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Feihe Zhen Aibeihu Super Feifan Infant Formula Milk Powder 1 Stage (for babies 0-6 months

2024-08-12 23:31evaluating People have gathered around

I believe only mothers can empathize with it

After having children, I am very cautious in everything I do, especially when I hear expert advice, I want to implement it completely. Experts say that breastfeeding is good. The more you suck, the more milk you will produce. When the milk supply was low, I really let my baby suck dry. As a result, my breasts hurt so much, and my milk supply did not increase much. The doctor suggested that I give my baby milk powder if I really can't produce milk. At this time, it is the last word that the baby's nutritional intake is sufficient.

Because the child has just been born, all functions of the body are still relatively weak. Especially my own resistance, so I pay great attention to this aspect when choosing milk powder. So my husband and I quickly learned about milk powder and read the milk powder reviews of many maternal and infant influencers. I also specifically consulted with many mothers, and finally bought Feihe Zhen Aibeishi 1.

When buying milk powder, you must first pay attention to the source of milk. The milk source of this milk powder comes from the golden pasture at 47° north latitude, and the milk quality is very good! Because the best milk sources in the world are concentrated in the temperate grasslands between 40 and 50 degrees north and south latitude, the unique natural conditions have created high-quality golden milk sources. Moreover, Feihe's fresh milk is transported in the entire cold chain, ensuring the freshness and quality of the raw milk. The raw milk is turned into powder at one time, so that there is less loss of nutrients.

Premium Care is rich in lactoferrin, which is an immune protein that can improve the baby's body resistance. It is very important! Moreover, it can also promote the baby's absorption of iron and further enhance the baby's physical fitness. For example, my baby has rarely gotten sick from colds for a long time~

Because the intestines and stomachs of small-month-old babies still grow normally and have poor absorption capacity. ZhenAiBiHua specially adds hydrolyzed whey protein to the milk powder, which makes small molecule nutrients easier to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract; it also has probiotic Bb-12 to help balance the bacterial environment in the baby's intestines and protect gastrointestinal health. After the baby drank it for about 2 weeks, his bowel movements became regular. Now the baby’s nutrition can finally keep up!

Trademark label:Feihe Zhen Aibeihu Super Feifan Infant Formula Milk Powder 1 Stage (for babies 0-6 months

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