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How to improve children's immunity? Understand in one article

2024-09-10 20:15evaluating People have gathered around

As a dad, I still have a say in this aspect.

My Qiqi is five years old, and I have paid special attention to the healthy growth of my child since Qiqi was not born.

Compared with caesarean section, natural delivery is more conducive to the child's establishment of his own immune system, so he chose natural delivery.

Compared with milk powder, breastfeeding is more conducive to the healthy growth of children, so we chose breastfeeding.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the hard work of my mother.

Improving children's immunity is not achieved overnight, but is a gradual process.

Conventional methods that can effectively improve children’s immunity

1. Natural delivery

After my daughter-in-law became pregnant, she often accompanied her for prenatal check-ups regularly. The hospital regularly offers free courses for pregnant women. As new parents, of course, you should seize the opportunity to take advantage of them.

One of the points mentioned is the production method.

For example, after a hen hatches a chick, the chick must break out of the shell from the inside out, so The chicks' ability to adapt to the environment and survive will be stronger. If the hen breaks it from the outside, it may seem like a help, but in the end it will harm it, just like killing a seedling to encourage its growth.

Having a baby is a risky process, especially now that there is excess nutrition. Many newborns are already over eight pounds. This is undoubtedly Will increase the risk of vaginal delivery. Therefore, the specific method of giving birth must firstly follow the doctor's instructions, and secondly, it depends on the mother's wishes.

In addition, the reason why my family Qiqi gave birth smoothly is that her mother insisted on walking and exercising every day since she was seven months pregnant, which not only ensured nutrition but also Keep your fetus at a healthy weight. Qiqi weighed six pounds when she was born.

2. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Very important.

Breast milk is the first natural food for babies, providing the energy and nutrients they need in the first few months of life.

Breast milk is rich in nutrients and comprehensive. The immunoglobulin in it can greatly improve the baby's immunity and is beneficial to Sensory and cognitive development, protecting babies from infectious and chronic diseases.

WHO believes that breastfeeding can reduce child mortality and its health benefits can last into adulthood.

Newborns can be breastfed as early as half an hour after birth.

At the beginning, there is no or very little breast milk, and the baby needs to constantly suck. Many parents feel distressed, especially when the baby cannot stop crying, and they are afraid that the baby will not be able to eat before starting to feed milk powder.

We were the same at that time. We were so anxious when we saw that the baby could not be sucked out, so we thought that if it didn’t work, we would make some milk powder. Fortunately, my sister-in-law insisted on stopping us. , let the child suck. That's how "milk-sucking power" comes about. The mother grimaced in pain and her nipples were bleeding.

This is also a test for newborns. A strong desire to survive and continuous efforts will lead to the best.

3. Add complementary foods in time

Babies generally need to add complementary foods when they are 6 months old.

At this time, breast milk can satisfy the baby More than half of the nutrition. Add complementary food in time.

Be sure to pay attention to the baby's condition when adding complementary food. After all, diarrhea and fever will occur if he is not used to it at the beginning. etc.

The addition of complementary foods should also be gradually increased from one type to multiple types, ranging from fine to thick, to give the child a sufficient adaptation process. .

This way can ensure the child's balanced nutritional absorption and enhance the child's immunity to a greater extent.

4. Balanced nutrition

When children grow up, they can eat any food.

The three daily meals should be arranged in a variety of recipes each week to ensure that children get different nutrients from the food. Only with a balanced combination of fruits and balanced absorption of nutrients can the child's resistance grow in a balanced way

5. Enhance physical activity

Physical exercise is indispensable for children. If children do not consume enough energy during the day, sleeping at night will definitely be a big problem.

This requires parents to take their children out to run and jump more during the day. After the age of three, they can accompany their children to learn some sports, such as running, playing football, swimming, etc., in different seasons. Playing different sports, such as swimming in the summer and skiing in the winter, can add a lot of fun.

Tall trees cannot grow in a greenhouse, so you must bring them. Children should have more contact with nature and experience more outdoor sports.

6. Ensure adequate sleep.

In addition to exercise, sleep is also very important.

Everyone knows that a good night’s sleep is helpful for children’s growth and intellectual development. .

Because most of the human body's growth hormone is secreted during sleep, and immune mechanisms from lymph and bone marrow are also produced during sleep, which can be extremely effective. Greatly prevent and resist the erosion of diseases and bacteria, and improve children's own immunity

7. Get vaccinated in a timely manner strong>

Vaccination is an artificial active immunization

Vaccines are made from pathogenic microorganisms or their component metabolites as starting materials and are prepared using biotechnology. They are biological products used to prevent and treat corresponding human diseases. Artificial active immunity is the inoculation of antigenic substances into the human body to stimulate the body. The immune system produces specific immune responses to specifically prevent infection by corresponding pathogens. It is mainly used for specific prevention of infectious diseases.

8. Additional supplement<. /span>

At different growth stages, the body has different needs for different nutrients. In this way, it is difficult to obtain the required nutrients through food alone. Nutrition requires additional supplements at this time.

For example, we all know that pregnant women must supplement protein, vitamins, and calcium during pregnancy. In addition to obtaining it from food, you also need to supplement folic acid during early pregnancy. Folic acid will greatly affect the development of the fetal nervous system.

Many expectant mothers will have a negative impact on their pregnancy reactions. When pregnant women eat normally, it is recommended to supplement with some comprehensive vitamin tablets under the guidance of a doctor to promote iron absorption. In addition, attention should be paid to supplementing with iron-rich substances, including animal liver, blood and beef, to prevent iron deficiency anemia. .

Human Growth Immunity Map

Children rarely get sick before 6 months old. This is due to the absorption of part of the immunoglobulin from the mother’s placenta. At the same time, breast milk also provides the nutrients needed for the child’s growth and development. After 6 months, the mother provides Immune protection gradually disappears, coupled with insufficient dietary supplements, additional supplements are needed. /strong> Bovine colostrum (BC), the first milk produced by cows within 3 days of giving birth, is increasingly used as a nutritional supplement to promote immune health in other species, including humans. and intestinal health function and well-being. The high levels of whey and casein, immunoglobulins (Igs), and other milk bioactives in BC may meet the needs of newborn calves. However, BC supplementation may improve health outcomes in other species. , especially when immune and intestinal functions are immature early in life. We review the components of BC and their impact on infant and child health and selected diseases (diarrhoea, infections, growth failure, prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)). ), short bowel syndrome and mucositis) to review human trials and animal studies (mainly in piglets) to assess the scientific evidence that BC is a safe and effective antimicrobial and immunomodulatory nutritional supplement that reduces the risk of premature birth. , infections, and clinical complications associated with intestinal disease. Studies in infants and animals indicate that BC supplementation should be at the optimal age, time, and level to be safe and effective. Due to the nutritional imbalance relative to breast milk, it is not recommended. Infants on pure BC feeding. On the other hand, adverse reactions including allergies and intolerances appear less likely to be greater in the infant population when BC is provided as a supplement within normal nutritional guidelines for infants and children. Large-scale clinical trials to provide more evidence of the health benefits of supplementing BC in addition to breast milk or formula. Ig and other bioactive factors in BC may act synergistically and thus remain bioactive through gentle processing and pasteurization methods. Activity is crucial.

I have been giving Qiqi the green packaged bovine colostrum currently on the market. < /span>

The history of this bovine colostrum can be traced back to 1988, when Tang Zijin, the "father of bovine colostrum" and professor of biological sciences in China, and the former Nanjing Children's Hospital After five years of hard work day and night, the director and a R&D team of more than 30 people developed the active preservation technology of bovine colostrum, pioneered clinical large-scale application, and won many awards such as the World Chinese Major Scientific and Technological Achievement Award. It has been focusing on immunonutrition research for 30 years.

The products are mainly sold in hospitals and pharmacies, and have their own R&D and factories.

The key to the healthy growth of breast milk is the immunoglobulin in it, and this bovine colostrum contains 20 grams of immunoglobulin per 100 grams. Can continue to protect like a mother.

It also contains seven major nutrients: taurine, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It includes all the nutrients that children need to supplement. Now, you no longer have to worry about your child needing to make up for this or that, you only need this.

Another reason why mothers can rest assured about this bovine colostrum is the raw material. There is only one raw material which is bovine colostrum. Nothing is added.

Another key point is to look at the processing method to ensure the biological activity of bovine colostrum. This colostrum uses a low-temperature freeze-drying process of minus 40 degrees Celsius to preserve the original activity of bovine colostrum to the maximum extent, and the active immunoglobulin is as high as 20%.

This is also an important reason for choosing this colostrum.

Because of the single raw material and exquisite production technology, infants, children, and pregnant women can eat it with confidence. My Qiqi has been drinking it since she was a child, and she likes it very much. My mother and I always forget for various reasons, but sooner or later she will pick up a board of capsules to remind us that we should take them.

I specifically asked the customer service for the test report, only to find out that this product has undergone strict factory inspection, with as many as 357 test items, including the excitement of the State Sports General Administration The 248 tests conducted by the Drug Testing Center do not contain any hormones or antibiotics.

I went to the official website and found that it has been clinically applied in more than 200 tertiary hospitals such as Peking Union Medical College, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Chinese People's Liberation Army 301. And during the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic, it was given to doctors on the front line as urgently needed anti-epidemic materials. It is the best choice for carefully selected mothers.

You are also a father or mother. You also want to improve your child’s immunity, and you also want your parents to improve their health.For immunity, this bovine colostrum is definitely the best choice. Remember to look for the blue hat!

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