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# original newcomer# The road to British milk powder: chemistdirect website (with a compar

2024-07-31 22:47evaluating People have gathered around

After the baby was born, I have been looking for suitable milk powder. I chose the British version of Aptime Platinum milk powder. A classmate happened to be in the UK, so he made two trial purchases of milk powder from the UK, with six boxes each time, both of which were mailed back via EMS. However, as the baby grows, the demand for milk powder is also increasing. It is not good to bother classmates all the time. A friend on the forum shared that milk powder was directly mailed from CD. I tried to buy it twice and the experience was not bad. . In this article, I will record the four purchases of milk powder. I have been visiting Aunt Zhang’s website for more than two years. I just completed the 720-day check-in task during the National Day, but I have not written an original article in such a long time. This is also This is my first time posting as a souvenir.

1. The first two overseas purchases of milk powder

In the first two times, I directly told my classmates about the milk powder I wanted to buy, and the students went to the supermarket to buy it. , and finally sent it back via EMS. From the descriptions of classmates, it seems that supermarkets are often out of stock. Every time I buy six boxes of milk powder, I have to go to several supermarkets, so it is very troublesome. The second time my classmates went to mail milk powder, even the milk powder packaging box at the post office was out of stock, so I had to wait for a few more days. . . The two purchases of milk powder were both direct mailed from the UK, using the service of PARCELFORCE. The single box of milk powder was packaged with bubble plastic film and finally packaged in a carton. These are sold by post offices. The cost of packaging and mailing is about 50. pound.

The first milk powder journey took 11 days. This is the track queried through 17TRACK:

The second milk powder journey took 17 days. I don’t know where it was shipped in the UK. What's the problem. So one week after the milk powder was mailed, my classmate asked me if I had received it. As a result, I checked and found that it was still in the UK. . . This is the track queried through 17TRACK:

2. CD’s first attempt

As my baby's demand for milk powder increased, I decided to do my own overseas shopping. Through articles on the search forum, I found that ChemistDirect can directly mail milk powder, so I decided to give it a try. For specific introduction to ChemistDirect, please search by yourself. This is my first purchase, and I decided to buy a 3-box pack to test the waters. Attached is the track query record of 17TRACK:

This time the CD is for home use It'sBillyPostal Serviceusually delivers the goods within two days after placing the order. The package was first sent from the UK to Belgium, then transferred to Shanghai, and finally arrived in Beijing. The process was tortuous and slow, and it took a total of 13 days on the road.

Express delivery situation:The problem with Belgian Post is that the tracking number only shows the address and does not display the mobile phone number. It is best to check the logistics track at all times. If you are not sure, , you can proactively contact the EMS delivery personnel during delivery.

Packaging situation: What everyone is more concerned about is the packaging of the milk powder. After arriving, we found that the packaging was quite strong and it was in a small box. When full, there are exactly four boxes. I bought three boxes this time, so the empty parts are filled with kraft paper, and the milk powder is wrapped in bubble plastic film, which has a certain ability to prevent collision and extrusion. The date of milk powder is also relatively fresh. Products produced in June are only 3 months away from receipt and have a shelf life of two years.

3. Second purchase from CD home

After the first trial purchase arrived, I immediately placed the second order. This time I bought 6 boxes directly. The delivery speed this time is amazing. Attached is the track query record of 17TRACK:

This time the CD is for home use PARCELFORCE, UK. On the way It only takes 5 days. It seems that the direct route from the UK to Beijing is faster, but the transfer to Shanghai is too slow.

Express delivery situation:The address and phone number are clearly written on the tracking number of PARCELFORCE , very convenient for delivery.

Packaging situation: The 6-box milk powder CD home still uses a small box to package 3 boxes of milk powder. It is an assembly of two identical small boxes. The outer packaging is relatively simple, and the milk powder packaging The two are wrapped together with bubble plastic, so the bottom of the milk powder box will be slightly squeezed and deformed. The production date of the milk powder is in August, only two months after delivery.

4. Other questions

Payment:CD accepts AE, VISA, MASTER credit cards and PAYPAL. I downloaded twice The orders were made using Bank of China AE and VISA cards, and both were passed smoothly, so you can use it with confidence.

Delivery speed: Basically 24 hours after placing the order from CD. It will be shipped within hours, and there will be detailed tracking records in the email. If you have a courier number, it is recommended to use 17TRACK for logistics tracking:

Express delivery: Looking at the two purchases, CD may randomly select BE or GB for delivery. It is best not to purchase more than six boxes of milk powder in a single purchase to avoid taxes and fees. description">Generally speaking, CD is quite cost-effective. Both milk powder and postage are relatively cost-effective. If you participate in credit card activities (such as Bank of China's overseas cash rebate), it will be even more valuable.

< h2 id="cl_4">5. Comparison between Aitami and the national standard

Compare this milk powder with China's national standard to see what's going on.


1. National standards

The national standards of the People's Republic of China mainly include the following two standards for infant formula:

1. GB 10765-2010, National Food Safety Standard for Infant Formula, implemented on 2011-04-01, released by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China

2. GB 10767-2011, National Food Safety Standard for Formula Foods for Older Infants and Young Children, implemented on 2011-04-01, issued by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China

The national standard refers to the "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" compiled by the Chinese Nutrition Society in 2000. It can be said that it is specially customized for Chinese babies and is more in line with the physique of Chinese babies.

2. Interpretation of GB 10765-2010

This section excerpts some key information in the standard, which can be directly compared with the formula on the milk powder packaging box. Other information can only be compared through experimental methods, such as reports on TV that certain milk powder microorganisms or contaminants and other parameters exceed standards. If you want to get more detailed information, please refer to the national standards.

1. Definition of infant

Infants refer to people aged 0-12 months. Currently, the main formula milk powders on the market are segmented according to age. Generally, The first-stage milk powder is for 0-6 months, and the second-stage milk powder is for 6-12 months. This article mainly compares the British Aptamil first-stage milk powder with this standard.

2. Infant formula

The first category is milk-based infant formula, and the second category is soy-based infant formula. Generally, there are more milk-based infant formulas on the market. British Aptamil belongs to the first category. .

3. Essential ingredients in formula milk products

A. The energy content per 100ml should be 250kJ (60kcal) ~ 295kJ (70kcal). The calculation is based on the protein, fat, and carbohydrate content per 100 mL of product, multiplied by the energy coefficients 17 kJ/g, 37 kJ/g, and 17 kJ/g respectively (the energy coefficient of dietary fiber is based on 50% of the carbohydrate energy coefficient Calculated), the sum obtained is the kJ/100mL value, and then divided by 4.184 is the kcal/100mL value.

B. Protein, fat and carbohydrate indicators

D. Mineral indicators

4. Optional ingredients in formula milk products< /h3>

In addition to the required ingredients mentioned above, manufacturers will add additional optional ingredients in order to improve the protein quality or nutritional value of infant formula.

After looking at the optional ingredients above, do you feel confused? They are all professional terms.It’s okay, it will be clear what these professional terms refer to later when comparing it with formula milk powder.

3. British Aptamil milk powder formula

First of all, I attach a photo of the back of this milk powder, which is listed in detail The formula parameters used for this milk powder. Compared with the national standard, these parameters mainly include the required ingredients and optional ingredients required in the national standard. All parameters in the national standard give lower and upper limits. Next, we will compare these parameters with the national standard one by one to see what level these parameters are in the national standard.

The comparison results of several major indicators are given below. In the picture above, the formula milk powder gives the content per 100ml, while the standard in the national standard is based on the result per 100kJ or 100kcal, so conversion is required for comparison. For the sake of unification, this article uniformly converts the content per 100ml into the content per 100kJ. The conversion method will be introduced below.

1. Protein, fat and carbohydrate indicators

The protein, fat and carbohydrate indicators in this formula milk powder are within the range required by the national standard.

According to the calculation method of the national standard, the calculated energy of this formula milk powder is 277kJ (66kcal). According to the label on the formula milk powder, the actual energy of the milk powder is 275kJ (66kcal). There is a slight error, which may be a decimal point problem.

The conversion method in this article is to divide the content value per 100ml by 2.75 to convert the content value per 100kJ, as shown in the calculation in the table above. The green filling in the table shows the results compared with the national standard. The far left end of the table is the lower limit of the national standard, and the far right end of the table is the upper limit of the national standard.

More specific indicators are shown in the table below. The yellow-filled area is an optional ingredient in the national standard, and the green-filled area behind it refers to the percentage of this ingredient in all fats, which is given according to the calculation method of the national standard.

The technical term we usually call DHA is docosahexaenoic acid. Attached is the introduction from Wikipedia.

Docosahexaenoic acid (English: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (C22H32O2) with six double bonds and is an omega-3 essential fatty acid.

Fish oil is rich in DHA. Most of the DHA in fish and other organisms originates from photosynthetic and heterotrophic microalgae. The higher up the food chain, the higher the DHA content. DHA is also commercially extracted from the microalgae Crypthecodinium chonii and Schizochytrium. DHA produced using microalgae is vegetarian. Most animals rarely produce DHA through metabolism. Although alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is also an omega-3 fatty acid, the efficiency of converting ALA into DHA is extremely poor, and ALA cannot be used by the human body, so DHA must be supplemented. .

The professional term for what we usually call AA or ARA is eicosatetraenoic acid. Attached is the introduction from Wikipedia.

Arachidonic acid (English: Arachidonic acid, referred to as AA or ARA, transit eicosanoid-5,8,11,14-tetraenoic acid, 20:4Δ5c , 8c, 11c, 14c) is an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid, which is the counterpart of saturated arachidic acid in peanut oil.

It should be noted that this formula contains an ingredient that is not mentioned in the national standard, which is salt.

2. Vitamin indicators

The mineral indicators of this formula milk powder are within the requirements of the national standard.

Fifteen days after the baby is born, the doctor will ask us to supplement the baby with vitamins A and D. The unit we often see for vitamins A and D is IU, so what is the conversion relationship between it and the above units? Detailed instructions are given in the national standard, as follows:

For vitamin A, RE is retinol equivalent. 1 μg RE =1μg all-trans retinol (vitamin A) =3.33 IU vitamin A.

For vitamin D, 1μg vitamin D=40 IU vitamin D. So classicThe content of foreign product Vitamin Ddrops is 400IU per drop, that is, each drop contains about 10 μg of vitamin D.

3. Mineral indicators

The mineral indicators of this formula milk powder are within the requirements of the national standard.

It should be noted that this formula milk powder contains an item that is not included in the national standard. The ingredient mentioned, that is fluoride. Generally, we hear that this ingredient is most commonly used in toothpastes containing fluoride. This ingredient in milk powder is relatively controversial. The following are two views on the fluoride content in milk powder, for reference only:

A. A 2009 newsletter

B. A 2016 academic article, published on Springer, specifically studying the fluoride content of British milk powder, for reference only:

Fluoride levels in UK infant milks


4. Optional ingredient indicators

The optional ingredient indicators of this formula milk powder are all within the requirements of the national standard, including the fat content above. Optional ingredients added.

The following is an introduction to nucleotides from Wikipedia.

Nucleotide (English: Nucleotide) is the basic unit of nucleic acid. Nucleotides are composed of a nitrogenous base as a core, plus a five-carbon sugar and a phosphate group. There are five possible nitrogenous bases, adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil. Those with five-carbon sugars are deoxyribose called deoxyribonucleotides (monomers of DNA), and those with five-carbon sugars that are ribose are called ribonucleotides (monomers of RNA).

Breast milk contains uridylic acid (UMP), cytidylic acid (CMP), adenylic acid (AMP), guanylic acid (GMP), inosinic acid (IMP), etc. A variety of nucleotides to improve infant immune regulationFunction and memory play a role. Some infant milk powders have trace amounts of nucleotides added according to the content in breast milk. There are also examples of adding RNA.

The second type is galactooligosaccharide/fructooligosaccharide, which is commonly known as prebiotics. This ingredient is Aptamil's patented formula. The following is an introduction to galacto-oligosaccharides/fructooligosaccharides from Wikipedia.

Galacto-oligosaccharides (abbreviated as GOS) is a type of oligosaccharide and a prebiotic. It cannot be absorbed by the human body, but it can promote intestinal metabolism. The growth and activity of probiotics are therefore often added to milk products for infants or adults (such as formula milk powder).

Fructooligosaccharides (usually abbreviated as FOS, also known as oligofructose or oligofructan) is a natural oligosaccharide that is also used as a sugar substitute. Generally, fructooligosaccharides are used as syrup on the market, and their sweetness is about 30 to 50% of that of sugar. It can help the reproduction of beneficial intestinal bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Acidophilus, inhibit the proliferation of bad bacteria, help defecation, and maintain intestinal health.

4. Summary and discussion

Comparing the British Love His Beauty section with the national standard, the following results are obtained:< /p>

Except for salt and fluoride, the ingredients of this formula basically fall within the national standards, and the contents are within the range required by the national standards, which should be able to meet the needs of the baby's growth.

It is estimated that Aptamil from other regions (Germany, Australia, etc.) will also contain salt and fluoride. , if you have bought these milk powders, you can read the formula on the back of the milk powders and reply to the discussion.

This formula contains two additional ingredients: nucleotides and galactooligosaccharides /Fructooligosaccharides. This is also a highlight often mentioned in the promotion of this product. The specific effect depends on individual circumstances.

Why don’t I buy domestic milk powder instead ofHow about overseas shopping that loves his beauty? The main reason is that it is cheap. The price of this milk powder in the UK is about 13 pounds. Even if it is directly mailed by EMS, the price per can is about 200 yuan. Compared with a certain high-end domestic milk powder, it is very cheap. Maybe the reason why domestic milk powder is more expensive is the 17% tax.

Currently, we have only analyzed a section of the British love of his beauty. As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison, and there is no harm with domestic products. How can you tell the difference by comparing the ingredients of milk powder? Please wait for the follow-up article.

There will also be a comparative analysis of the second section of Aptamil and the national standard in the follow-up.

Trademark label:# original newcomer# The road to British milk powder: chemistdirect website (with a compar

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