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Good goat milk is really not smelly at all

2024-09-15 12:06evaluating People have gathered around

As we all know, goat milk is regarded as the finest dairy product due to its rich nutrition and easy absorption of small molecules. It has also been called the "King of Milk" and is recognized as the closest to human milk in the world. Milk of dairy.

Today, I compiled an article on matching tips

Everyone, please collect it! ! 

1. Goat milk + papaya

Moisturizing and beauty products Anti-cancer

① Goat milk contains cyclic adenosine monophosphate, papaya and olea fruits contained in papaya are all good for blood vessels.

② Eating the two together can moisturize and nourish skin, soften blood vessels, fight cancer and prevent cancer, enhance breast beauty, and regulate human hormone secretion.

2. Goat milk + red dates

Replenishes qi, nourishes blood and strengthens body

①Goat Both milk and red dates are rich in minerals and vitamins, and the absorption of the two promotes each other.

②Red dates replenish qi and blood, and goat milk is rich in nutrients. Eating the two together can strengthen the spleen, nourish the stomach, replenish blood, and cure deficiency. 

3. Goat milk + honey

Sweetness benefits the mouth and promotes absorption

① Goat milk is rich in nutrients but has a slight odor. Honey has a sweet taste and can improve the odor of goat milk.

②Honey can promote the body's absorption of nutrients in goat milk, especially calcium.

4. Goat milk + walnuts


Invigorate the brain and enhance brain power

① Goat milk and walnuts are rich in vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids

② Eating the two together can benefit the brain, promote brain development, and enhance memory.

5. Goat milk + oatmeal

Invigorate gastrointestinal nutrition and health

①Goat milk can effectively improve the gastrointestinal environment, and oatmeal can promote gastrointestinal motility

②The combination of oatmeal and goat milk is not only nutritious but also can promote gastrointestinal motility, accelerate defecation, and prevent constipation.

6. Goat milk + whole wheat bread

Promote digestion and protect the gastrointestinal tract

①Whole wheat bread is rich in dietary crude fiber. Eating it with goat milk can reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and protect the gastrointestinal tract

② Crude fiber can promote the absorption of protein and multivitamins in goat milk, making nutrition absorption more complete and effective. 

Goat milk contains more than 200 nutrients and bioactive substances and is called the natural dairy product closest to breast milk. One cup of goat milk = three cups of milk

Highly recommended!

Lianbeis goat milk comes from the natural pasture of the preferred base, using physical odor removal technology

Friends who have tried it say that it has no odor at all and is very rich and delicious. It is a small molecule milk and is easier to absorb! It is fragrant and smooth, and not only children love it, but adults can't put it down too!

It can be said that we have taken great pains to make goat milk that is not smelly.

First of all, in the feeding process, alfalfa and cob corn are used as feed, supplemented by apples Feeding hawthorn, carrots and peanut cakes, such sheep produce milk odor

In the breeding process, male and female stalls are separated to isolate the glandular odor of male sheep;

The physical deodorization process in production removes the mutton smell of goat milk;

Add casein at the end to squeeze out the mutton smell and improve the taste. 

The second is the use of small molecule technology in nutrition

◎The aroma of goat milk The rich taste comes from small-sized milk fat globules with better flavor, which are more active

◎Smaller milk fat globules and active fat globules are more easily absorbed in the mouth

The taste is captured by the taste buds, so good goat milk that is not smelly is naturally sweeter and richer than other milk

The author declares that there is no interest in this article. Welcome friends to have rational exchanges and harmonious discussions~

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