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If you want your baby to thrive, this children's milk with "self-contained DHA halo"

2024-07-02 22:27evaluating People have gathered around

Milk is the "nutrient C" that babies need to drink every day. So besides its nutritional value, how much do we know about milk?

Today, the editor will give you some popular science"super cold" milk< /span>! I guarantee that everyone will be able to "show off" in front of the baby after watching it! Hahaha~

Are you ready? Let’s have an eye-opening experience together!



< strong>Can frogs keep milk fresh?

Yes! You read that right! Before the invention of the refrigerator, people did use frogs to keep milk fresh~

This is because the secretions of frog epidermis are rich in antibacterial and antifungal substances, which cause food to rot. The culprits are bacteria and fungi. With the antibacterial substances secreted by frogs, many bacteria will reproduce more slowly, which can greatly slow down the speed of milk spoilage!


In an era without sterilization technology, the ancients really had inexplicable wisdom~


Will Coke become transparent after adding milk?

This is because the protein in the milk reacts with the carbonic acid in the cola, resulting in proteinagglomeration . The aggregated protein adsorbs the pigment in the cola, so the cola becomes transparent~


Although drinking Coke with milk will not affect your health, it is still not recommended for parents to try this " "Dark cuisine" yo!


Can milk be used for fishing?

Fermented yogurt is the favorite of fish!

Among the baits we use for daily fishing, there is a milk-flavored bait. Just mix the kefir and fish ingredients, and you will get surprising results when you use it for fishing!



< strong>Cows eat grass but milk comes out?

I believe many parents have heard their babies ask this question, right?

In fact, to put it simply, the grass is chewed by the cow, eaten by the cow, and then decomposed into nutrients such as glucose and fatty acids in the digestive tract of the cow. These nutrients It is absorbed in the digestive tract of the cow, transported to the cow's udder through the cow's blood, and synthesized in the cow's udder into milk containing nutrients such as protein, fat, and sugar, which is milk~


Speaking of this, the editor would like to give you another treasure Parents share a piece of trivia related to their baby’s health!


Cow eating grass → ordinary milk

Cows eat Schizochytrium algae→Functional milk containing DHA

Haha, isn’t it amazing?

As we all know, DHA, which is beneficial to children's development, cannot be synthesized by itself, so many children's milk on the market that claims to contain DHA is actually mostly "artificially added"

span>~So what is this DHA functional milk about?


This is thanks to the meticulous discovery of scientific researchers: when a cow eats a species called Schizochytrium After the plant is harvested, the exogenous DHA will be converted into functional milk rich in DHA. It is a perfect combination of nutrition and safety. It is safe, stable and easy to absorb. As a safer and more effective way to consume natural DHA!

Mengniu has such a children's milk with "self-contained DHA halo"——Future Star Double Pure Milk!


Why is it called " Double raw milk”? In fact, it isrich in native high calcium + native DHA!

You must know that calcium and DHA are crucial to children's growth and development during the critical growth period of 3-6 years old.


Native high calcium energy Meet children's nutritional supplement needs for calcium and strong bones. DHA is calledAs "brain gold", it is an essential nutrient for the baby'snervous system development. It not only helps the child's vision development, but also helps For intellectual growth and enhance children's memory.


Among the many ways to obtain DHA, Original nutrition from nature is the best choice!


And, with ordinary Compared with pure milk, Future Stars original pure milk contains milk protein up to3.6g/100mL; and native DHA up to 10mg/100ml, 1 pack of Future Star Double raw milk DHA content = 4.2kg walnut kernels/95kg almonds/1 egg/300g sashimi!

The calcium content is also 20% higher than ordinary milk, reaching < strong>120mg/100ml(Ordinary milk basically contains 100mg of calcium in 100ml of milk) .


And from the recipe table You can also see that Future Star Rawonly contains raw milk, it can be seen that the quality of the milk itself is very high, and parents can choose with confidence!


Why the future stars will be double Is raw pure milk worthy of the trust of parents? This starts with "the daily life of a cow"!

"Extraordinary" cows bring pure organic milk!

Imagine the following scene:

The sun is shining warmly on the pasture, and a bird with smooth fur is shining The cows are pacing leisurely, lowering their heads from time to time to chew grass, or leisurely drinking weak alkaline water that has been stored underground for 3,000 years;

On the other side, a cow is Sha Bed opened his squinted eyes slightly and yawned lazily. Then he walked out of the cowshed and came to the endless lawn to chat with a few cows and enjoy sunbathing comfortably.

After a day of leisurely life, the cows walked into the barn, and the staff began to comb their hair, and started the additional welfare "SPA" time: water spraying, melodious music , every cow is contented.

Future Star Double Native Pure Milk usesHolstein cows with pure bloodlines, which produces High-quality organic milk is a gene passed down from generation to generation; regular physical examinations and vacations ensure that each cow is healthy and worry-free throughout its life; take Ulan cloth And the sand is made into a sand bed,Each cow enjoys a high-end residence... ...


The word envy makes the editor feel tired! With such favorable conditions, how can the milk produced by cows not be "fragrant"??

Select high-quality pastures to breed milk with good nutrition!

The golden pasture zone at 40° north latitude< /strong>, the temperate climate with four distinct seasons breeds clean and fertile grasslands, and the cows responsible for the future Xingshuang original pure milk source will make their home in the Shengmu Hi-Tech Selected Ranch located here to ensure excellence from the source.


Warm and humid weather nourishes the grassland, alfalfa, oat grass... thousands of fresh and juicy plants Pasture grows freely here, providing excellent nutrition for dairy cows, and the addition ofschizochytrium and other forages not only increases the nutritional content (DHA) of raw milk, but also Enhances the immunity of cows.


Moreover, Future Star is a brand specializing in children’s milk. Milk is most suitable for children to drink, and it is more high-end than adult milk. It is more suitable for children aged 3-14 years old.

In this regard, the editor only wants to say 8 words: Produced by a large factory, it must be a high-quality product!


Okay, another energetic article ( zhǒng) ordinary (cǎo) daily life~!

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