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The third piece of pure useful information for expectant parents - how to buy baby milk po

2024-07-25 22:57evaluating People have gathered around

This is the third article of pure practical information for expectant parents. If you need to buy diapers and baby wipes, you can refer to the previous two articles.

Pure information for expectant parents - how to buy mainstream diapers? Double Eleven is coming, and it’s another shopping holiday. I believe that all of you who are new parents or soon-to-be parents must be ready to put on diapers for your children. In recent years, various e-commerce companies have been full of tricks during Double Eleven. I have no idea how to buy diapers. I happen to be free recently. , we have collected some information about mainstream diapers and prepared them for you who are worried. Without further ado, let’s get to the point. The first is the price list of mainstream diapers: Mainstream diaper price list Price list remarks:Ancestral psoriasis< span class="card-inline-split">| Like192 Comments390 Collection1kView detailsThe second piece of pure useful information for expectant parents—how to buy mainstream baby wipes?In order to let parents buy wool from major e-commerce companies, I wrote an article on buying mainstream diapers at the beginning of the month. This is it: As soon as the article was approved, it was widely received. Thanks to the support of parents, I became even more motivated to write articles. I continued to collect relevant information on mainstream baby wipes and wrote the second one for reference for parents in need. No need to talk nonsense. , let’s continue with the dry stuff. Price list of imported brands and domestic brands of baby wipes (the following prices are for single packs)Heirloom psoriasis| Like15< span class="group-data res_smzdm"> Comments33 Collections113View details

This article is nearly 5K words long, if necessary You can collect it first and read it slowly. The author's knowledge is limited, and I also welcome criticism and correction from everyone.

Without further ado, let's get to the point and start with the real stuff:

< h2 id="cl_0">Mainstream infant milk powder price list:


  1. Taking into account the annual raw materials, labor and other factors increase, in order to ensure the timeliness of the price, the data comes from Aunt’s prices in the past year;

  2. Usually low You can stock up if the price is good. Some good prices deviate too much from the good price because some e-commerce companies deal with milk powder that is about to expire;

  3. The price has gone up. Look, European milk powder is the cheapest, followed by Australia. Since there is less data on e-commerce good prices for American milk powder, the Hong Kong version is chosen, and the price is relatively high.

Several minor issues that you must pay attention to when purchasing infant milk powder:

  • Infant milk powder vs. breast milk?

First of all, it must be clear that even the best milk powder is only close to the ingredients of breast milk, but not as nutritious as breast milk. Secondly, breastfeeding It can allow the baby to acquire the mother's immunity, and basically does not require additional probiotic supplements. Therefore, if conditions permit, breastfeeding should be done at least after one year of age (of course, longer is also possible, but the mother suffers more, and breastfeeding is necessary for the baby. Various dietary taboos), during this period, milk powder and complementary foods can be supplemented according to different conditions.

  • Why choose imported milk powder?

The main reasons for choosing imported milk powder are three reasons:

First The source of imported milk powder is relatively safe and reliable. The reason why the melamine incident occurred that year was not only due to poor supervision, but also the purchase of milk fed by herdsmen. The instability of the milk source caused safety risks in milk powder from the source; < /p>

The second is that the production of milk powder is relatively modern, which makes the quality of milk powder more stable. Foreign milk powder manufacturers, whether from milkIn terms of cattle breeding and finished product production, production is relatively concentrated and highly mechanized, so there are few factors that affect the instability of milk powder quality;

The third and most critical factor is price, which we generally value Friends are communicating with each other on Auntie and learning how to woolen wool. They all plan carefully and use every money wisely. The price of imported milk powder (except for the official imported Chinese version) has a greater advantage than that of domestic milk powder. It is generally available. It is about 1/3 cheaper. Even if it is retailed in local supermarkets in various countries, it is much cheaper when compared in RMB.

  • my country’s national standards for infant milk powder are more stringent than foreign standards, so can domestic milk powder be chosen?

At present, my country's national standards for infant milk powder are mainly based on the Sanlu milk powder incident. In order to restore the credibility of domestic milk powder in the hearts of citizens, many countries have The departments jointly issued a series of national standards for infant milk powder, covering milk powder standards for multiple stages from newborns to infants to children. It is currently the most stringent and comprehensive milk powder standard in the world, ahead of other countries. In recent years, Germany, Australia, the United States and other countries have also made further improvements with reference to my country's national standards, and the infant milk powder products of some dairy giants can basically meet China's national standards.

On the other hand, although my country's national standards for infant milk powder are so strict, there are still certain shortcomings. For example, comparing my country's national standards with Australia's national standards, in There is a certain gap in nucleotide addition.

The role of nucleotides:

1. Intestinal effects: Nucleotides play an important role in intestinal nutrition. , can promote the growth, development and repair of intestinal cells. Nucleotides can stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria in the body, which can effectively reduce the occurrence of diarrhea and enteritis in babies.
2. The hypoxanthine nucleotides contained in breast milk can help the digestion and absorption of nutrients, especially iron, help prevent anemia in babies, and promote the intellectual development of babies.
3. Nucleotides can regulate lipids in the blood, helping the baby's brain development and cell health. Therefore, breastfed babies have stronger immunity and healthier bodies.
4. Promote metabolism: Nucleotides may have an effect on neonatal lipoproteins. Research shows that adding nucleotides to the diet can promote neonatalEspecially the synthesis or secretion of lipoproteins in premature infants.
5. Body immunity: Adding nucleotides to formula milk powder can increase the weight of premature babies. Nucleotides can also promote the development of the baby's early immune function. After feeding the baby milk powder with added nucleotides, the baby's antibody level increases significantly after vaccination (diphtheria toxoid vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine), which can effectively reduce the incidence of infant illness.

Can I buy domestic milk powder? My personal opinion is reserved. In layman's terms, if you buy it, I recommend it. If you ask me to buy it, I won't buy it.

Since the Sanlu milk powder incident, in order to save the credibility of domestic milk powder, in terms of policy and supervision, major dairy companies, especially those producing infant milk powder, have been monitored It has been under high pressure. Judging from news reports, the pass rate of infant milk powder sampling inspections has remained above 96% year after year, indicating that the development of my country's dairy industry is still in a positive, healthy and upward direction, which deserves praise. However, it is not possible to freeze three feet in a day. To restore the credibility of domestic milk powder and establish some influential brands, there is still a long way to go and it will take many years to settle.

There are several reasons for not choosing domestic milk powder:

  1. Milk source problem: First, most domestic pastures are more or less subject to industrial pollution, and secondly, some dairy industries The company does not have its own pastures and uses outsourced milk from scattered herdsmen as raw materials, so there are still source risks.

  2. Production issues: Let’s not talk about mechanized and automated production, as far as my country’s current manufacturing industry For front-line operators, they basically have the ability and literacy to actually produce. However, due to the repetitive and cumbersome long-term work, it is easy for the operators to not strictly follow the corresponding processes to produce products (for example, a filling barrel needs to be cleaned after use , maybe just skip cleaning and continue using it for convenience and trouble), and often the unstable product quality is caused by these workers' illegal operations.

  3. Price problem: This problem has always been very troublesome. For the same baby milk powder, the overseas shipping fee and tax are not as good as the daily selling price of domestic products. It is really puzzling.

  • How about the Chinese version of imported milk powder?

The Chinese version of imported milk powder is equivalent to the official imported milk powder. Foreign milk sources and production equipment are produced in accordance with China's national standards. The quality is absolutely excellent and can be purchased in major physical and online supermarkets. However, the price is also much more expensive than the overseas version. A2 Chinese version and Australian version Take the version as an example, the price is even twice as much. To sum up, you can buy it if you don't have the money, and you basically don't have to worry about supply issues.

  • In addition, I recently saw an article on Auntie, which proposed foreign There is no national standard for Stage 3 infant milk powder

< span class="embed-card main-site res_smzdm">What milk should I drink after 1 year old? Should I drink stage 3 milk powder? Please check this truthLast week, my godmother launched a milk powder After surveying the questionnaire, we found that the proportion of milk powder given to babies in Stage 3 after one year old is extremely high ↓ The number of responses to the questionnaire was 2,440. Many mothers also left messages for us, hoping to know what to drink after 1 year old, the difference between Stage 2 and Stage 3 milk powder, and 3 Today’s article will answer the question of whether it is necessary for Duan to drink in time. Godmother's Q&A board · For babies who are not allergic to milk, it is first recommended to drink pure milk, yogurt and other dairy products after 1 year old · If you still want to drink milk after 1 year oldChoose with confidence| Like92 Comments203 Collection688 View details

After reading There are gains, but there are also questions.

The article mentioned that there are no three-stage milk powder formulas in Europe, the United States and Australia, warning parents that there is nothing wrong with this, and also mentioned the Netherlands Regarding the issue of corn syrup solids in the ingredient list of Bimei Zchen, here is a popular science about corn syrup solids.

Corn syrup solids are made from high-quality corn starch, which is hydrolyzed by a variety of enzymes to produce maltose-based syrup. It is a colorless, transparent and viscous liquid with clear and transparent texture, mild and pure taste, low sweetness, malty aroma, high cooking temperature, low freezing point, anti-crystallization and many other advantages. Corn syrup solids are added to infant formula to increase the amount of sugar and prevent constipation in children.

Looking back at the issues mentioned in this article, it was surprising that corn syrup solids were placed first in the ingredient list, so I wanted to seek verification. After checking in physical stores and major e-commerce platforms, I have not found which version of this brand uses corn syrup as the main raw material, whether it is the second or third stage. I don’t know the three-stage formula mentioned by the author of this article. It is unclear where the watch comes from, and whether it is an editor who studied UC and made a gimmick to attract everyone's attention. Of course, this is not a total denial. The additives such as flavors mentioned in it can still be left alone.

▲Meizchen second-stage milk powder formula table imported from the Netherlands

▲Meizhen third-stage milk powder formula table imported from the Netherlands

In addition, the article mentioned that consuming the second-stage milk powder is safer. I personally think it is a bit alarmist, even if there is no corresponding third-stage milk powder. National standards, the major dairy giants in Europe, America and Australia have been immersed in this industry for so many years, and they will definitely improve and improve the formula according to the needs and clinical practice of infants and young children of different ages. For this reason, there is no need to worry too much about the problems of milk powder after the third stage.

Stock volume:

When conditions permit, breastfeeding is the first choice, and the newborn is only available after birth. You may need to use milk powder in the delivery room for a few days, and then you can completely feed the baby through the mother's breast milk.

Secondly, if the mother is an advanced maternal age or is inconvenient to breastfeed, there is no problem with one can of milk powder lasting more than a week. It can be replaced according to the actual condition of the baby in the past few days. Milk powder brand I will continue to drink this brand of milk powder.

Therefore, it is recommended to stock up on no more than two cans of milk powder before the birth of a newborn. It can even be said that one can is enough.

Infant milk powder purchasing guide:

I have referred to many guides, and I think the most easy-to-understand guide can be referred to the Long Bao Baba guide. Here is a brief summary of the milk powder guide for Long Bao Baba:

1. Milk source: The first choice is European (Netherlands, Switzerland, etc.) milk sources and Australian milk sources, followed by American milk sources. , some countries (such as Japan) are affected by resource and environmental constraints and historical issues. There are bound to be some problems with milk sources, so it is better to avoid them. In addition, the nutritional value of the production method using fresh milk as raw material is better than that of reduced milk.

2. Formula: includes basic nutrients (protein, lactose, etc.), fortified nutrients (DHA, ARA, choline, taurine, etc.) and special fortified nutrients (OPO Structural lipids, whey protein, lutein, β-carotene, etc.).

3. Additives: including flavors, sucrose, palm oil, starch, wheatAdditives such as buddextrin should be avoided as much as possible.

Attached is a list of milk powder containing flavors (cited from Milk Powder Concern):

Analysis of overseas purchasing channels:

Because many foreign countries have strong supervision and penalties for the production and sale of counterfeit goods, the anti-counterfeiting of various products is basically very simple. Even most of them don’t have any anti-counterfeiting marks, so choosing the right purchasing channel is crucial for purchasing infant milk powder.

Cross-border e-commerce channels

When it comes to purchasing baby milk powder, most cross-border e-commerce channels and self-operated channels are trustworthy. Including Tmall International official direct sales, JD Global Shopping self-operation (now Haidian Global self-operation), Suning International official direct sales and NetEase Kaola overseas shopping, etc. Because of the huge profits from imported products, these cross-border e-commerce companies have established a series of self-operated teams from procurement to sales, with complete procedures. Moreover, the origin of most products can now be checked through Shuoyuan code. It can be said that it is completely For genuine products, the issues that need to be understood when purchasing should be price comparison and whether the product is about to expire.

▲NetEase Kaola Guarantee Commitment

▲Haicun Global Guarantee Commitment

Some people here may want to question these cross-border e-commerce platforms There are mixed sales of genuine and fake products, and the quality problems of milk powder are judged based on the different appearance and color. For example, this negative review on a certain platform:

Personal I think it’s really funny to judge the authenticity of milk powder based on its appearance and color, and there are no pictures. For example, milk powder is subject to the weather, temperature, air humidity and even the addition of certain additives due to production batch problems at the time of production. The appearance of milk powder will definitely be different due to changes in factors such as different amounts, so it makes no sense to judge the authenticity of a product based on its appearance.

The current e-commerce competition is so fierce, and these first-line e-commerce companies are completely at the forefront. As long as there is a problem, it will be infinitely magnified. Therefore, from a company perspective, these e-commerce companies cannot maybe forSell ​​you a can of fake milk powder to give up the reputation accumulated over the years. From the employee's point of view, the salary of working in this type of e-commerce is definitely higher than that of most other companies. It is impossible to risk breaking the law and losing your job. Make some extra money.

In addition, most third-party e-commerce channels actually have complete procedures. However, because they are small in scale and lack the support of physical stores, their supervision is often not sufficient. Therefore, third-party channels The risk of buying fake products is greater, so consider carefully.


1. Convenient purchase: most products are shipped directly from the bonded area and can be received within a week at most;< /p>

2. Affordable price: I would like to thank Auntie for this platform, which allows many worthy friends to reveal the good prices of various e-commerce companies. You can save a lot of money by buying them;

3. Authenticity guarantee: direct e-commerce from source to sales, e-commerce has an independent team to operate.


The main reason is that there is an expiration risk. Some e-commerce companies have relatively large expiration discounts. Conscience will remind you that some There will be no prompt. You need to consult customer service and ask other buyers to find out. This needs attention. When buying infant milk powder for your baby, it is best to avoid the impending period.

Recommendation index: ★★★★★

Overseas shopping e-commerce channels

Buy overseas with Amazon (Germany) The self-operated merchants of major Taobao websites including Asia, America, and Japan are also trustworthy.

However, many foreign small overseas shopping websites now have a lot of trolls. From the perspective of aunts, there are many revelations without comments that are all worth it, and their authenticity is questionable.

There may be trolls like this with full value and no comments

< span class="img_desc">There may also be trolls with few full-value comments like this


1. Price advantage, erasing the impact of current exchange rate depreciationYes, the price is still advantageous compared to domestic prices.

2. Self-operated + shipped from origin, high reliability.


1. Slow transportation. Since the middle of 2018, the transportation of overseas shopping has become particularly slow. In the past, direct mail could It can arrive in about a week, and the slowest package I have received this year took a whole month;

2. The purchase process is complicated. For overseas purchases, you need to choose the corresponding transportation method and bind your VISA card. Auntie has quite a few big guys sharing their overseas shopping methods, so I won’t show off here;

3. After-sales service is more troublesome;

4. tax risk.

Recommendation index: ★★★

Physical store channel

Since the opening of the second-child policy, maternal and infant stores Sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Not only chain supermarkets, but non-chain maternal and child stores of various brand chains in various places are also trying to get a piece of the pie. Let’s talk about chain supermarkets first. Due to operating cost constraints, the maternal and infant products sold by chain stores are generally a little more expensive than other channels, and the discounts are relatively small. Most of them can only buy the Chinese version of imported milk powder, but the quality is guaranteed. It is guaranteed. The quality of maternal and infant stores will be uneven. Chain maternal and infant stores are relatively standardized and have regular products. Most of them cannot buy overseas version of milk powder. Some small maternal and infant stores are filled with many brand-name copycat milk powders. Maybe the procedures are formal, but I have never heard of the brand, so how can I ensure the quality of the product? However, maternal and infant stores often have discounts. If there are maternal and infant chain stores such as Doudou and 3861 nearby, you can also pay attention to the local promotions.


1. The product is regular and reliable, and relatively trustworthy;

2. After-sales service in physical stores is guaranteed.


1. The price is generally high;

2. Need to pay attention to well-known products Have a certain awareness of the brand to avoid being deceived by fake foreign brands and products.

Recommendation index: ★★★

Purchasing channel

The purchasing channels here include, on the one hand, people who are more familiar with your friends, and on the other hand, those who are contacted or recommended by friends such as WeChat Business Xianyu. Personally, I dislike these two types of purchasing agents.

First of all, friends use human flesh to purchase on their behalf. The fees are too high and it affects the relationship. The cost of purchasing is owed to the favor, but there is definitely no problem with the things purchased by friends. As for the so-called purchasing agents of Jack Ma, a micro-business idle fish, Even live broadcasts can be faked, the trustworthiness is relatively low, and the prices are not much better than those of e-commerce.

Advantages: Apart from the guarantee of authenticity when buying human flesh from friends, I really can’t think of any advantages.

Disadvantages: full of shortcomings.

Recommendation index: ★

Write at the end

If possible, stick to breastfeeding as the mainstay, milk powder As a supplement. At present, most milk powders actually have little difference in formula. There is no most suitable milk powder, only whether it is suitable for the baby. As long as it is genuine and licensed, there is basically no big problem.

The author's writing style is limited. If there are any mistakes, please criticize and correct them. If the article is helpful, please like and collect it.

Finally, stick to the old rules and wish all the babies in the world to grow up healthily.

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