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One article to solve your baby’s anxiety about switching to breast milk! 4 major misunder

2024-09-15 12:06evaluating People have gathered around

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The baby has always been the parent after switching to milk A topic that we are very concerned about: under what circumstances is it necessary to switch to breast milk? What are the methods of converting milk and how to operate it? How to deal with baby's discomfort when switching to breast milk? Here we will answer the "Collection of Breastfeeding Problems" at once for everyone. It is recommended to collect it!

4 common misunderstandings about breastfeeding< /h3>

Does the baby need to switch to breastfeeding if he is tired of milk? If a baby drinks a certain milk powder and has green stools, breast flaps, and no meat gain, do I need to switch to breast milk? Fan Ge often receives various questions from the backend of the milk powder think tank, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu fans about switching to breast milk. While patiently answering our questions, we found thatparents also have many misunderstandings about breastfeeding! For example, the following 4 common misunderstandings about breastfeeding:

Misunderstanding 1: The baby does not gain weight after drinking this milk powder, so he needs to change milk powder

The reason why the baby does not gain weight is very complicated, it may be It doesn’t look like you’re growing fat to the naked eye, but it’s actually in line with the standard height and weight scale; it’s also possible that the amount of milk is not guaranteed, or the complementary food mix is ​​unbalanced after 1 year old, and the nutrition has not kept up; or the baby is allergic or lactose intolerant. If you have a special constitution, but eat inappropriate ordinary milk powder, or even have a genetic constitution, etc., parents should deal with the specific situation.

Misunderstanding 2: The baby has some green stools and milk flaps after drinking this milk powder, so change the milk powder immediately

The baby's gastrointestinal tract is not yet mature, and there will be a certain period of adaptation to new foods. It is common to experience discomfort when switching to milk. You can first slow down or Stop converting milk and deal with it concretely instead of frequentlyFrequent replacement of milk powder will increase the burden on the baby's gastrointestinal tract.

Misunderstanding 3: Seeing other babies growing well on such and such milk powder, you want to use it for your own baby

Each baby has different physical and nutritional needs. Good milk powder for other babies may not be suitable for your own baby. If the baby eats a milk powder, the daily milk volume reaches the standard, and the stool, mental state, sleep, etc. are normal. If the child health insurance shows that the height and weight growth are normal, there is no need to change milk frequently. The best one is suitable for the baby.

Misunderstanding 4: Your baby doesn’t like this milk powder, try other milk powder

When babies first receive new milk powder, they often become tired of milk for a while because they are used to the previous breast milk or old milk powder. If they are not sick or mentally ill, If the condition is not good, it is mostly normal. Parents are more likely to give their babies a period of time to adapt. They can constantly try out pacifiers, bottles, milk temperatures, feeding tools, mixed feeding, etc. to encourage and help their babies accept the new milk powder.

In these 6 situations, your baby can consider switching to breast milk< /strong>

When some parents encounter problems with their babies, they want to solve them by changing milk powder. This is not very scientific and reasonable. However, if the baby encounters the following 6 major situations when eating a certain milk powder, parents may consider Choose a more suitable milk powder for it:

  • < span>If you don’t like to drink, the milk supply cannot be guaranteed for a long time (more than 1 month);

  • Long-term (more than 1 month) drinking of a certain milk powder causes indigestion, flatulence, constipation, breast tenderness, etc.;

  • Long-term growth retardation, height and weight are not up to standard;

  • < span>Eczema, constipation and other allergic symptoms occur after drinking milk powder;

  • Occurrence after drinking milk powder Symptoms of lactose intolerance;

  • Upon reaching a certain age, you will be promoted to the corresponding milk powder level.

Babies have delicate stomachs and are also very sensitive to changes in food, so the transition between old and new milk powder requires a process. Milk transition period. If the transfer of milk is not done well, it can easily lead to a series of problems such as indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, breast milk leakage, green stool, etc. in the baby. Below, Brother Fan will introduce to you 3 common methods of converting milk powder. Teach you how to choose according to the milk powder to be converted and the baby's body constitution, and at the same time match it. ProbioticsTaking the product can better help the baby adapt to the process of breast milk transfer, try to avoid the baby’s breast milk transfer Breast discomfort.

3 major ways to convert breast milk

Make a choice based on the milk powder to be transferred and your body type< /h3>

① Breastfeeding method every other meal

Refers to gradually replacing certain meals of milk to certain meals of the day with new milk powder.

  • Applicable situations

Applicable to many The old and new milk powders are very different in category, brand, grade, and mixing ratio, in order to avoid differences in mixing ratios and milk density caused by differences in milk powder preparation or nutritional formulas, including the following 4 types:< /p>

  • Breast milk→milk powder

  • Milk powder→Goat milk powder/Goat milk powder→ Milk powder

  • Brand A→B Brand

  • Low rank→High rank

  • Operation method

Take the baby drinking 5 meals of milk powder a day as an example. Generally, start with the middle meal ( For example, start replacing the new milk powder at noon), continue feeding for 3 days, and observe the baby's adaptation status; if the baby is in good mental and physical condition, such as normal bowel movements, then follow this procedure to gradually replace each meal of milk in the morning, afternoon, morning, and evening. It takes approximately until the new milk powder completely replaces the old milk powder and the entire milk conversion process is successfully completed.It takes 13 days.

  • Notes

  • About replacement Number of feedings: The number of feedings for babies varies every day, but whether it is 4 or 5 feedings, the order of feeding should be noon first, then morning and afternoon, and finally morning and evening. Let the baby receive the new milk powder first during the day when his physical function and mental state are better, and finally replace the meal before going to bed to avoid the baby's discomfort with the new milk powder.

  • About the observation period for breastfeeding: babies have different adaptability, observe Period lengths also vary. Generally recommended is 3 days. For more sensitive babies, the observation period can be extended to 7 days. If the baby feels unwell during this period, the milk transfer should be slowed down or suspended.

② Mixed milk conversion method

Refers to mixing the old and new milk powder together for the baby to drink. In principle, the new milk powder is mixed in a certain proportion from less to more until it is completely replaced with new milk powder.

  • Applicable circumstances

It is mostly suitable for situations where the old and new milk powders are of the same category, the same brand, different series, the same rank, and the mixing ratio is relatively close, including: The following 4 types:

  • Milk powder→milk powder/goat milk powder→goat milk powder

  • Milk powders of the same brand, different series and the same rank can be interchanged, like Feihezhen The 3-stage Aibeihu and the 3-stage Zhenai Feifan are interchangeable

  • Specially formulated powder (such as hydrolyzed milk powder, lactose-free milk powder) to ordinary milk powder

  • Baby is sensitive to the taste of milk powder and is not easy to accept new milk powder taste

  • How to operate

  • Take the baby drinking 5 spoons of milk powder per meal as an example. According to the baby's sensitivity, replace it with a new spoonful of milk powder for each meal and continue feeding for 3 days to observe the baby's adaptation status. ; If the baby is in good mental and physical condition, then follow this procedure and gradually replace each remaining spoonful of old milk powder until the new milk powder is completely replaced. It takes approximately 13 days for the entire mixing and milk conversion process to be completed successfully.

    • Notes

    • About the preparation ratio: If the spoon weight and the corresponding water volume of the two milk powder models are not much different, you can use separate spoons to measure the powder weight and the recommended water volume for preparation. After the preparation is completed, Mix the milk together; you can also directly prepare it according to the new milk powder preparation standards. However, if the ratio of water to powder prepared by the two milk powders is too different, it is still recommended to use the milk-converting method every other meal.

    • If the baby has a sensitive stomach and poor digestive function, it can be half Transfer half a spoonful at a time; observe for 3-7 days after adding new milk powder each time. If the baby is very adaptable during the transfer process, you can gradually increase the replacement amount of new milk powder by 0.5 spoon, 1 spoon, and 1.5 spoons.

    ③ Alternate meal + mixed milk transfer method

    Combine the method of alternating meals + mixing to transfer milk.

    • Applicable circumstances

    It is mostly suitable for situations where the baby is highly dependent and sensitive, including the following two types:

    < ul style="text-align:justify;">
  • The baby is too dependent on the old milk powder, so use Both the alternate feeding and mixed feeding were unsuccessful

  • < strong>The baby’s gastrointestinal function is weak and he is very unadapted to the new milk powder

    < li>

    How to do it

With If the baby drinks 5 meals of milk a day, with 5 scoops of milk powder in each meal, for example, you can replace 1 scoop of new milk powder from the middle meal, observe for about 2 days, and then gradually increase the number of new milk powder scoops in increments of 1 scoop by 1 scoop. , and replace other frame numbers. The whole process of every other meal + mixing and milk transferIt takes approximately 12 days to successfully complete.


Of course, you should deal with the discomfort of the baby switching to milk. In addition to the type of new milk powder and the baby's body constitution, , In addition to choosing a suitable milk conversion method and doing a step-by-step milk conversion process, you can also pay attention to the nutritional performance of digestion and absorption when choosing milk powder, Such as: high-content whey protein, pure goat milk protein, OPO, CPP, prebiotics, probiotics, etc.

In short, The milk powder suitable for your baby is the best, the baby's intestines and stomach are delicate, and frequent or improper feeding will cause discomfort to the baby. You must do the feeding well even if you switch to milk powder~If you have any questions during the baby's milk transition process, you are welcome to leave a message at the end of the article for discussion~ If you have questions related to milk powder or need to compare milk powder, you can use the [Milk Powder Think Tank] professional tool,very easy to use~

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