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What experiences can you share about breastfeeding? What precautions should be taken when

2024-09-15 12:06evaluating People have gathered around

I have two boys at home. One was breastfed until one year old, and the other was breastfed until two years old. My experience is like a torrential river, which stretches endlessly. I can talk about the details. Ha! Last day!

One child should be raised according to the book, but I found that the characteristics that vary from person to person cannot be covered one by one by the common principles in the book. Although I have read parenting books, I still feel that the journey of breastfeeding for one child is like crossing a river by feeling for stones. During this period, there will be surprises, pains, and regrets, but of course, I will feel relieved in the end.

The pain of milk engorgement and the throbbing pain of uterine contraction just after giving birth

< p itemprop="description">After giving birth, you will accidentally experience the pain of stone-like breast swelling and the throbbing pain of uterine contraction. I was completely unprepared for this. I have always thought that I am not very sensitive to pain, but when the pain of breast augmentation and the pain of uterine contraction came together, the pain was so sour that I really shed tears. Even if I gave birth to a baby naturally, I didn’t shed any tears at all. Over tears.

  • If the pain we endure when giving birth is because we still have a psychological expectation, a brave and heroic attitude, I am in pain just to welcome the arrival of the child!

  • The pain of breast enlargement and uterine contraction is, oh my, I have to breastfeed the baby, it hurts so much. How can I breastfeed? The excruciating, powerless pain made me lie flat during my confinement period.

During the confinement period, I found that I could no longer control whether the baby should be exclusively breastfed or mixed fed. Because the pain has almost made me lie down. Therefore, the feeding of the baby during the confinement period is determined by the mother's comfort. Mothers who are energetic can choose exclusive breastfeeding, while mothers who are unwell can choose mixed feeding or even milk powder feeding. In short, it varies from person to person.

Experience sharing: The degree of breastfeeding during the confinement period is determined by the physical condition of the mother. Especially for women who have had a caesarean section or difficult labor, the difficulty of the birth process makes It’s like we have gone through nine or eighty-one difficulties, so we should choose to have a good rest during the confinement period. It is not a big deal for the baby to drink some milk powder. Mothers should not feel too guilty or blame themselves, just do their best.

Chasing milk after confinement

After the confinement Through mixed feeding during pregnancy, my body has almost recovered. I decided to pursue the milk supply for the sake of my baby’s exclusive breastfeeding plan.

After confinement, I returned to my parents’ home, and my mother cooked me various milk-reducing soups. During that time, I drank all kinds of soups, including crucian carp and tofu soup, soybean and pig's trotters soup, egg drop soup, lotus seed hot soup, red mushroom and pork ribs soup...

The next step is to reduce the number of milk powder feedings for the child. Gradually reduce the number of milk powder feedings every day, and conversely increase the number of breast feedings. The legendary saying that the more you suck breast milk, the more you get, which is confirmed by me.

Also, mood can also affect milk production. After returning to my parents' home, I obviously felt happier. The communication with my mother was very smooth. It was effortless and there were no misunderstandings or grievances. We could both tease and appreciate each other.

Every time I knead a small ball of meat in my arms and watch him happily slurping milk, the happiness and satisfaction I feel are breast milk. Breastfeeding mothers feel the greatest happiness, which is probably a feeling that mothers who only feed milk powder cannot experience.

Experience sharing: I accidentally succeeded in chasing milk. Adjust your diet, adjust the frequency of breastfeeding, and adjust your mood. When all of the above are done to the extreme, whether you can succeed in breast-feeding or not, just let it take its own course!

The baby actually refused to suck milk

The baby who has always loved milk stopped sucking milk. This happened after Dabao got vaccinated. When the child came home after being vaccinated that day, I thought it was time to suck him breasts and put him to sleep. But the result was that the baby refused to suck the breasts, and stubbornly closed his mouth when he put his head in front of the breast. But the old mother was worried, because she was afraid that he would be hungry. After all, breast milk was his only food now, and she was worried that he might feel uncomfortable in some way.

Helpless, how can I try to feed him lying down, holding him, and feeding him with a bottle?Feed, spoon feed, the baby just won't suck, and then he actually fell asleep when he was hungry for the first time.

Then, to my surprise, he started sucking milk again after waking up.

Maybe I was frightened by the vaccine, angry, or tired of breastfeeding. In short, after a small twists and turns, this matter turned around on the same day.

Experience summary: When the child is tired of milk, we should observe the physical condition of the child. If the child is in good physical condition and only temporarily reduces the amount of milk, we There is no need to panic, because the baby may naturally change back to normal in a few days and the milk supply will return to normal. However, if the child is in poor physical condition and depressed, he must seek medical treatment in time.

When the baby was five months old, the breast glands were blocked again...

From two to five months old, the breastfeeding journey has been extremely smooth. I produce milk and feed my baby every day. I feel happy when my baby is fed and satisfied. Until one day, I discovered that my right breast was as hard as a rock, and the baby couldn't suck it out even with a breast pump. After thinking about it carefully, I discovered that one of the mammary glands in the breast was probably blocked, and there was a lump that would never go away. Use hot compress with towel, massage with comb, massage with hands, all kinds of methods are used together, and the lump disappears very quickly. It took two days and all the methods I knew before the lump gradually disappeared.

Afterwards, I reviewed the whole process, and I discovered that at that time I was used to lying on my side facing the child, which resulted in long-term compression of the right breast and milk stasis. A lump forms. Also, after feeding the child, the nipple should be removed in time. Breastfed babies can be full after sucking milk for about 5-10 minutes. When the baby is sucking effectively, he or she will open a wide mouth, hold the entire areola of the breast, and successfully suck milk by squeezing the areola.

But when the baby is full, he will sleep with the nipple in his mouth. Sucking the nipple is equivalent to dry sucking. At this time, the nipple will Approximately equivalent to a baby's pacifier, this latch-on mode can easily lead to cracked nipples. Especially new mothers are not easy to find this small problem. I fell into this trap with my first pregnancy.

Experience sharing: There are skills in breastfeeding posture. The baby should open his mouth wide to hold the areola. The mother should pay attention to the baby's sucking status in time. Once she finds that the baby is full or the suction is obviously insufficient, she will not want to After eating, remove the nipple in time to prevent the baby from dry cleaning the nipple. Breastfeeding should be carried out on both sides. Mothers must avoid lying on their side for a long time when sleeping to avoid long-term pressure on the breast on one side, which may cause blockage of the mammary gland and produce lumps.

The baby accidentally hit the mother's breast hard, and I had a high fever for the first time and got mastitis.

As the baby grows up, the child becomes more and more active. When Dabao was one year old, he accidentally kicked me and hit me directly in the breast. On the spot, a sharp pain spread from the breast to the back.

I had a fever that afternoon. I could only stop breastfeeding my baby that day. And Dabao, who has always been accustomed to sucking milk, also refused to bottle feed or spoon feed. It was the first time that the baby could not jump into the mother's arms to suck milk.

Experience sharing: Breasts of lactating mothers are particularly delicate. Any hard impact from external force may cause injury to the mammary gland. Politely direct high fever. You must be careful of your baby's volcanic shadowless feet and various unexpected external impacts. While protecting yourself, you are also protecting your baby's food rations!

Ultimate experience summary:

Breastfeeding for the first child was full of experiences, but the second child was particularly smooth. There was no difficult lactation, no acute mastitis, no bloating like a stone, and even weaning was almost natural.

The above is my breastfeeding journey. I don’t know if the breastfeeding process of other mothers will be smoother than mine. Welcome to share your experience in the comment area. !

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and friends are welcome to communicate rationally and discuss harmoniously~

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