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Which is better, milk or milk powder? There should be distinctions between different group

2024-09-15 12:05evaluating People have gathered around

Foreword: Due to work, someone gave me a few cans of . It made my 5-year-old very happy! Because the child has always been weak, he is required to drink milk every day. But the child really doesn’t like the “bland” taste of pure milk, which is quite embarrassing.

It was only later that I realized that even if the child is no longer a baby, he can actually drink milk powder. . There are formula milk powders on the market specially developed for children's growth stage (3-12 years old), also known as children's nutritional milk powder, children's growth milk powder, etc.

As we all know, milk and milk powder are nutritious foods. They are rich in protein, minerals and Substances and vitamins, etc., all have a positive effect on our human health.

But which one is better and how to choose cannot be determined directly, but it depends on the needs of different groups of people. Determined by actual needs. The following is my personal opinion:

For infants and people with poor digestion and absorption capabilities, milk powder is better

For example, for babies who are younger than 1 month old Naturally, milk powder that is easy to digest, easy to absorb, richer in nutrients and has higher calories is more suitable. We all know that babies who are not breastfed almost always choose formula instead of cow's milk.

This is because the formula of milk powder is very close to breast milk, and on the basis of original milk, there will be additional Add many nutrients needed for baby's growth. Moreover, milk powder is easier to store and carry, and is easier to be digested and absorbed by the human body, so it is more suitable for babies to drink.

For somepeople with poor digestive ability, such as the elderly, young children and patientsetc., milk powder is also more recommended, especially for people who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk. It is undoubtedly a better choice

Because milk contains lactose, people who are lactose intolerant cannot. (Completely) digesting lactose, which may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, etc. In contrast, milk powder contains less lactose and is therefore more suitable for them. align:justify;">For some people at special physiological stages, milk is better

We have to admit that milk contains a large amount of high-quality protein, natural calcium, vitamins and other nutrients, which can meet the needs of the body, and can also help enhance human immunity and reduce the probability of illness. Therefore, for some people who need to supplement calcium in large quantities. and vitamin D, milk may be more suitable

Teenagers: They are in the growth and development stage and have a large demand for various nutrients. Milk is rich in protein, calcium and trace elements, which can supplement their body’s nutritional needs and promote growth and development. < /span>

Middle-aged and elderly people:With physiological age With gradual degeneration, not only will the bone mass be lost, but the body's muscle content will also gradually decrease. Milk has higher protein and calcium content, which is a more suitable nutritional supplement for this group of people.

Pregnant mothers:Women’s body hormone levels change greatly after pregnancy, which may lead to accelerated bone metabolism. In addition, they need to continuously deliver nutrients to the fetus, so they have a strong need for calcium. The demand for these elements is also particularly large, so it is more suitable to drink milk containing natural high calcium.

At the end

After seeing this, I believe you already have the answer. To sum up, whether we choose milk or milk powder should be based on the actual needs and physical condition of the individual.

★For infants, children, the elderly, patients, lactose, etc. who have weak digestive ability and need all-round nutrition For those who are intolerant or allergic to milk, it is better to choose milk powder.

★For people in special physiological stages, such as teenagers, middle-aged and elderly people, pregnant women, etc., they need a lot of calcium supplements and vitamin D, so milk rich in natural calcium would be a better choice.

However, although milk and milk powder are both nutritional supplements, too much is not enough, just the right amount to avoid aggravating gastrointestinal problems digestive burden. No matter which one you choose, be sure to store it safely. In addition, when drinking milk and milk powder, you also need to pay attention to the temperature and avoid being too cold or too hot, otherwise the nutrients in it will be destroyed.

I am a health manager and family education instructor [Wanjia Mom]. Follow me to raise children scientifically and wisely.

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and welcomes rational communication and harmonious discussion~

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