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Do I need to supplement my baby’s DHA?

2024-09-15 12:08evaluating People have gathered around

Hello everyone, I am the banana wolf who keeps hair on the ground all day long

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I often see many mothers and fathers wondering whether to supplement DHA, so I came up with this article

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Let me talk about the conclusion first: DHA can be obtained from food, breast milk, or Obtain, so generally babies who are not picky eaters do not need to supplement HDA, but there are exceptions and cannot be generalized.

What is DHA?

DHA is also called brain gold. It is an important unsaturated fatty acid in the human body.


If the mother can eat sea fish (preferably deep-sea fish) several times a week, one egg a day, and one or two walnuts, then there is no need for additional supplements. If breast milk cannot be replenished normally, additional milk must be replenished. I have a dietary guide chart below for your reference

Deep sea fish recommended sardines

Milk powder feeding

Milk powder already contains DHA. If the baby eats enough, there is no need for additional supplements. However, it is not ruled out that some manufacturers cut corners. Don’t put enough. At this time, we have to choose some reassuring brands of milk powder.

Okay. Leave a message for HDA recommendations in the next issue

The author declares that this article has no interest, and welcomes rational communication and harmonious discussion~

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