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How good is breastfeeding for babies? No matter how good breast milk is, don’t give it to

2024-08-16 23:40evaluating People have gathered around

More and more people know the benefits of breast milk, and more and more mothers are willing to breastfeed. Even when giving birth in the hospital, doctors will recommend breastfeeding as much as possible.

Breast milk is really good, and breastfeeding has great benefits for babies.

  • Breast milk is rich in nutrients and comprehensive.

For babies, breast milk is the most suitable food for babies because breast milk is easy to Absorbable, nutritious and comprehensive.

Breast milk contains protein, lactose, fat, minerals, immune factors, etc., which contains almost everything the baby needs for growth and development. Nutrients.

Especially for babies under six months old, breast milk can satisfy all hisnutrients except vitamin D. Requirementsincluding water.

Therefore, breastfed babies under six months old need additional supplements of vitamin D. If there is no dehydration, the baby will continue to function. There is no need to drink extra water, just drinking breast milk is enough.

Breast milk will also undergo nutritional adjustments according to the baby's growth and development needs.

Breast milk also changes from the initial colostrum to transitional milk, From mature milk to late milk, it can be said that the nutrition of breast milk is always there and changes with the growth of the baby.

  • Drinking breast milk can improve body immunity

Many nutrients can be added. We can see many on the market that add nutrients needed for baby growth.

< p itemprop="description" style="text-align:justify;">But breast milk also has its uniqueness. Breast milk contains immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, etc. The mother’s own natural antibodies canimprove the baby’s Immunity sets up a barrier for babies to prevent disease

"American Academy of Pediatrics Breastfeeding Guidelines" (3rd edition)

strong>The benefits of breastfeeding to babies are as follows:

Compared with artificially fed babies, breastfed babies have a lower risk of the following diseases

Ear infections;

Eczema, food allergies, asthma;

Gastrointestinal infections and the like Vomiting and diarrhea caused by;

Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases;

Adolescent and adult obesity;

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes;

Children's leukemia and lymphoma;

Sudden infant death syndrome

These are the only parts of breast milk and cannot be replaced by other dairy products

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  • Breastfeeding can increase your baby’s sense of security

  • The baby is "blood-connected" with the mother in the womb. After ten months of being together, the baby has already become familiar with life in the womb.

    However, after birth, sudden changes in the environment will make the baby very insecure, and the baby is prone to crying and not sleeping well.

    Breastfeeding can perfectly solve this problem!

    In mother's warm embrace, in mother's rhythmic heartbeat, in mother's eyes full of love, in mother's eyes filled with love, In the tempting smell of breast milk, the baby can be satisfied, relaxed, andfeeling safe.

    In the process of breastfeeding, the parent-child relationship is established unexpectedly.

    So you say, Is breast milk good? Is breastfeeding good? ! !

    It’s just that no matter how good your breast milk is, don’t breastfeed your baby after doing these 4 things to avoid affecting Baby health

    1. After the mother exercises strenuously.

    Some mothers also engage in strenuous exercise during lactation in order to get back in shape as soon as possible after childbirth.

    However, it is recommendednot to give your baby milk after strenuous exercise.

    Because after a mother exercises strenuously, the composition of breast milk will also change to a certain extent - the lactic acid content becomes higher and the breast milk becomes "yogurt". p>

    The high lactic acid content in breast milk may cause the baby to diarrhea after drinking milk. /p>

    Therefore, do not breastfeed your baby after strenuous exercise. You can wait 1-2 hours for the body to recover. Normal, lactate content has recovered before breastfeeding.

    If you find it troublesome, the best way is: You can exercise, but try your best. Avoid strenuous exercise

    2. After mom drinks alcohol. /p>

    You should not drink alcohol while pregnant, nor should you drink alcohol while breastfeeding, because alcohol will damage the baby's brain cells and affect the development of the baby's brain nerves. < /p>

    Breastfeeding mothers should not drink alcohol!

    If you really want to drink, it is best not to breastfeed after drinking, and wait until the alcohol is excreted from the body before feeding the baby.

    Alcohol generally takes 12 hours to be basically excreted from the body, which means that after drinking alcohol, it is best to wait 12 hours before breastfeeding your baby.

    Of course, there is no way to expel the alcohol quickly

    You can drink more water, urinate more, exercise appropriately, and excrete part of the alcohol through urine and sweat.

    3. After my mother drank a lot of strong tea

    Tea has a history of thousands of years, and many people like to drink tea.

    But strong tea has Contains more caffeine, and caffeine can excite nerves.

    After mothers drink a lot of strong tea, caffeine will also pass through breast milk. Entering the baby's body will cause the baby's nerves to be excited and also affect the development of brain nerves.

    Therefore, breastfeeding mothers drink a lot of concentrated alcohol. It is also best not to breastfeed immediately after tea. The caffeine should be metabolized within 8-10 hours before breastfeeding.

    In addition, < Strong>Strong tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Cola and other foods also contain caffeine. Breastfeeding mothers must eat with caution. .

    4. After my mother took certain medicines.

    Breastfeeding mothers are not inflexible, and they will get sick sometimes.

    This also means that mothers sometimes need to take some medicines. Of course, breastfeeding mothers are not unable to take all medicines.

    Some drugs are short-acting and do not affect normal breastfeeding; some drugs will not cause adverse effects on the baby.

    But no matter what the situation is, it is best for breastfeeding mothers to take medication under the guidance of a doctor.

    If you really can't avoid it, you can breastfeed first and then take medicine. Some medicines are short-term, and you can continue breastfeeding after a few hours. .

    You can also store some breast milk first and give it to your baby when it is not suitable for breastfeeding.

    At the same time, breast milk should be expressed regularly when breastfeeding is not suitable to prevent the breast milk from becoming less and less. Give it to your baby to drink and just throw it away.

    There are indeed many benefits for babies to drink breast milk. For mothers, apart from the benefits, there are also certain restrictions, but for the baby In terms of health, you should pay more attention during breastfeeding. Don’t eat the foods you shouldn’t eat and don’t do the things you shouldn’t do!

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