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Worried about your baby being genetically short? You might as well try to help your childr

2024-09-15 12:08evaluating People have gathered around

As a short celebrity, I have always been worried that the height of my children will be affected by genetic factors. Short stature will inevitably have some negative effects on future work and life. Moreover, nowadays, there is a lot of academic pressure since childhood, and incorrect eye habits can easily lead to myopia.

Doctors recommend that in addition to developing good living habits and eye-use habits, and exercising more, you can also give your children appropriate nutritional supplements.

I did some homework before choosing nutritional supplements for my children to grow taller and protect their eyes. If you want your child to grow taller, you must work hard on exercise, sleep, nutrition, etc. before the child's bones close at the age of 18. In addition to regular swimming, basketball, rope skipping and other exercises that help grow taller, ensure adequate sleep. , I also need to supplement some nutrients that can help me grow taller. In the end, I chose Duoneng Duoqizhen Gaoer . So is this height-increasing milk powder useful?


Get it The first thing you need to know about milk powder is to look at the formula. The formula of milk powder determines its function. You can see that calcium is added to the milk powder, which everyone knows can promote bone development. After calcium supplementation, it needs to be absorbed, so it is also added with calcium that can promote bone development. Vitamin D and casein phosphopeptide, which promote calcium absorption, are also added with hydrolyzed protein powder, which can stimulate the growth of bone bud cells and comprehensively promote the growth of children's height. In addition, probiotics, prebiotics, taurine, DHA and other nutrients are added to regulate the gastrointestinal tract, protect vision, and promote brain development.

·Milk source·

Milk Source is also very important. Duonengduogong milk powder is imported from New Zealand in original cans, and everything from milking to canning is completed in New Zealand factories. New Zealand cows are usually raised on natural pastures and do not use any growth hormones. New Zealand does not allow the use of genetically modified feed. There is zero tolerance for antibiotics in dairy products, and it is safer for children to drink. The production process is carried out under full monitoring, and the entire warehousing and transportation process complies with RMP specifications to ensure the top quality of milk powder exported from New Zealand.

·Powder and Brewing·

After opening the lid, there is a light milky aroma, the powder is fine and dry, and the color is light yellow. I brewed the milk powder with 45°C warm water according to the instructions on the can, and stirred gently to dissolve it. During the stirring process, the fragrance of milk came out. My child and I both tasted it. The taste is relatively light and not particularly sweet. It will not let the child develop the habit of eating sweets, and it will not cause tooth decay problems.

·Experience the effect·

Currently I have been giving my child height-increasing milk powder for a month. A month ago, the height was 1.22m. I measure the net height every week and record the height in the Duonengduo height applet. Now more than a month has passed and I have already Grow 2 centimeters taller! Although the growth in height is related to the fact that she is in the growth stage, it is obviously faster than when she did not drink height-increasing milk powder. If you continue to persevere, I believe that your child will grow faster and completely get rid of the influence of genetic factors!

Trademark label:Worried about your baby being genetically short? You might as well try to help your childr

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