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How to help your baby choose a suitable and cost-effective milk powder?

2024-09-09 23:08evaluating People have gathered around

Faced with the dazzling array of milk powders on the market with varying prices, choosing milk powder may be the biggest headache for mothers. So how can novice mothers choose a milk powder that is both suitable for their babies and cost-effective? And those experienced mothers, what factors do you look at when choosing milk powder? Let’s talk to you today.

Generally, we will compare from the following aspects:< /span>Milk source, research and development technology, formula. Let’s look at them separately.

01, milk source

The place of milk source is an important factor that affects milk powder. After all, as the core raw material of milk powder, the quality of the milk source directly determines the quality of milk powder. Although basically all countries in the world are raising dairy cows, and the distribution of dairy cows basically covers most of the geographical range of the world, from a wide range of statistical data, better milk sources still exist, and it is generally believed that they are located in The temperate grassland between about 40° and 50° north and south latitude has a more suitable climate, and both pasture and dairy cows can be in better condition. Therefore, this area is also called the "golden milk source belt".

Relatively speaking, for domestic milk powder, the source of milk is in the country, and the location is relatively clear; while for foreign milk powder, the location is relatively clear. The sources of milk powder are diverse and there are differences in versions. Therefore, when choosing imported milk powder, you should consider the differences between different versions and choose according to your own needs.

02, R&D technology

Milk powder is not simpleThe separation and extraction from milk is over. In fact, the technological content of milk powder is not low, because it will go through many complex processes, and these technological levels also determine the quality of milk powder.

For example, milk fat, which is the basic component of milk powder, seems to be included in milk. ingredients, but from milk to milk powder, the processing of milk fat is a process of continuous innovation and has experienced a long period of technological improvement. This is because the presence of milk fat will directly affect the processing of milk powder, so the milk fat needs to be removed first during milk powder processing. In the earliest days, milk fat was directly removed to form milk powder. This was the era of milk fat 1.0. Later, people realized that milk fat also played a certain role, so they chose to add fat. The easiest thing to obtain is vegetable fat in nature, which is also in our daily life. The main source of fat in milk, this is the era of butterfat 2.0. However, with the development of science and technology and cognition, people have gradually realized that there are actually big differences between vegetable fats and maternal lipids. The typical structure of vegetable fats is the POP structure, while the maternal lipids are OPO structure, structural abnormalities naturally affect the function. Therefore, a new generation of milk fat has appeared, which is artificially synthesized milk fat with OPO structure.

Nowadays, the technological content of milk fat has become the focus of major milk powder investments.

What also affects the quality of milk powder is the extraction and retention process of active nutrients. After all, milk powder is processed from production to Transportation and sales require a long cycle process, and in this regard, various companies have also invested a lot of effort.

03, the formula is more critical

After all, milk comes from cows, so in order to match the baby's growth and development, special optimization must be made to make the milk powder formula more suitable for the baby's growth. For example, for babies, what is particularly obvious is brain development. A very unique difference between humans and many animals is the very high relative brain capacity, which is the basis for supporting our various intelligences, speech, and behaviors. There is a golden period for baby's brain development.

As shown in the picture above, it is a study of children's brain development. We can see that during a period of time after birth, the baby's brain develops very quickly, regardless of gender. , brain size (Figure b) and cortical surface, their development shows an almost linear increase [1]

And this stage does not last forever. It is basically between the ages of 0-3. In fact, 80% of the brain’s development will be completed around the age of 2. This ultra-rapid brain development means Therefore, babies not only need basic nutrition, but also need to provide more corresponding nutrition specifically for brain development.

So what materials are needed for brain development?This starts with the material structure of the brain. Remove the most important components of all cells After water, what is the largest molecular component of the brain? Many people may think it is protein. In fact, the largest component of the brain is lipids, which account for up to 12%. This is also the human body. The fat content is second only to adipose tissue, followed by protein.

In the fat of the brain, Very important components are phospholipids, including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, etc., their presence is essential for brain function

In fact, research has found that between birth and 2 years old, this is a critical period for the development of brain myelin. The formation of brain myelin is considered a key sign of the brain's maturation. And in the myelin sheath , accounting for the first place is phospholipids, up to 46%, including phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylinositol (PI), sphingomyelin (SM) and ethanolamine aldehyde phospholipid [2 】.

So how do these brain nutrients come from? Naturally, they are obtained through the nutritional intake of our babies. Baby food, milk sourceThe phospholipids are very critical, and the phospholipid content of different sources of nutrients is actually different.

Because of this, the formula must be adjusted to make the milk phospholipid content in the milk powder closer to the maternal source, so that Only in this way can it best adapt to the baby's brain development.

Of course, with the development of milk powder, people are gradually realizing that the localization of milk powder is actually very important. Because there are still differences in the nutrition of people from different places. As for formula milk powder, the nutritional ratio needs to be adjusted according to the mother's source. Therefore, domestic high-quality milk powder will be more suitable for domestic babies. After all, it is specially optimized for Chinese people.

This aspect has also been recognized at the national level. For example, in 2021, my country introduced a new product for infant formula milk powder. National standards, CCTV also specifically mentioned that the nutritional formula of overseas milk powder products is not customized according to the constitution of the Chinese people. In fact, over the years, China has been working hard to promote the research and development of infant milk powder. For example, the 14th Five-Year Plan National Key Research and Development Plan covers research on infant formula, which also represents the country’s emphasis on this aspect.

I believe that more excellent infant and toddler products will emerge in the future, allowing our country’s infants and toddlers to Can grow more healthily.

1. Dubois, Jessica, et al. "MRI of the neonatal brain: a review of methodological challenges and neuroscientific advances." Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 53.5 (2021): 1318-1343.

2. Xie Qinggang, et al. "Research progress on phospholipids promoting infant brain development." China MilkProduct Industry 46.1 (2018): 33-36.

3. Sun H, Ren Q, Zhao X, et al. Regional similarities and differences in mature human milk fatty acids in Chinese population: A systematic review[J]. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 2020, 162.

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