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Where does the sweet aroma in milk powder come from?

2024-06-29 12:20evaluating People have gathered around

Children's milk powder, as an important source of nutritional supplements for children, has always attracted the attention of parents. However, some parents are worried about children's milk powder being "too sweet and fragrant". They worry that excessive sugar intake may cause health problems such as obesity and dental caries in children, and may also have a negative impact on children's taste development. Therefore, whether milk powder is sweet or not has become one of the criteria for parents to judge whether milk powder is good or not.

In fact, this is not objective. Some products that do not have sweetening/flavoring agents may also be reported by parents as tasting a bit sweet.

So, what is the truth about the sweetness of children’s milk powder? We need to dig deeper into this issue.

1. Where does the sweet aroma in milk powder come from?

The sweet aroma in milk powder mainly comes from its ingredients and formula. More than half of the ingredients in a can of milk powder are carbohydrates, and carbohydrates are the main factor affecting sweetness.

The chemical formula is similar to the polymerization of "carbon" and "water", so it is called carbohydrates, also referred to as sugars. Sugars are divided into monosaccharides, oligosaccharides (including disaccharides and oligosaccharides), polysaccharides, and conjugated sugars according to the number of structural units.

We cannot deny that some children's milk powder does tend to be sweet in taste. This sweet aroma mainly comes from the added sugar content in milk powder, such as white sugar, condensed milk, crystallized fructose, xylitol, flavors and fragrances, etc. These ingredients can attract children's taste buds to a certain extent, making it easier for children to accept milk powder.

Part of the children's milk powder ingredient list display

Query the children's milk powder ingredients to see their specific additions:< /span>

1. Natural ingredients

Lactose: Lactose is the main natural component in milk powder.Sugar is also one of the important components in breast milk. Lactose is relatively low in sweetness, but it can provide the baby with necessary energy.

Galacto-oligosaccharide GOS

This is one of the important components of breast milk. It is friendly to the intestines and can help the baby's intestines and stomach to establish bifidobacteria flora and promote Probiotic growth in the gut.

2. Artificially added sugar

Xylitol, Sucrose, white sugar, etc. are artificially added sugars and can be called "lactose substitutes". They also provide calories, but they are sweeter than lactose.


Sweetened condensed milk

Sucrose & Maltodextrin

White sugar

Mixed fruit powder

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4 sweeteners/flavors added to milk powder Reason

Improve taste: Sweetness/The main addition of flavoring agents It is to improve the taste of milk powder and make it more in line with the taste preferences of infants and children. Sweeteners such as lactose and glucose can provide sweetness to milk powder, while flavoring agents can mask the fishy smell of cow's milk and goat's milk. Fish oil, algae oil DHA, etc. may produce odors

Enhance solubility and brewability

strong>: Some sweet/ flavoring agents, such as maltodextrin, sucrose, etc., because of their good hydrophilicity, help milk powder to be less likely to agglomerate, have better solubility, and have better brewing effect.

Cost control: The addition of sweet/ flavoring agents can also reduce production Cost. Compared with lactose, some sweet / flavors are cheaper, so adding them in appropriate amounts can reduce costs while meeting nutritional needs.

Provide carbohydrates: especially provide energy for babies with lactose intolerance.

As for the sweetness of sugar, there is currently no objective physical or chemical method to measure it. Artificial tasting and evaluation are mainly used for comparison, so sweetness is relative.

< p itemprop="description">The sweetness of sucrose is set as 1, and the relative sweetness ranking is:

In short, the sweetness in milk powder mainly comes from its natural ingredients and added sugar. When purchasing milk powder, it is recommended that parents carefully check the product formula table to understand the source of the sweetness and ingredient content of the product, so as to Ensure your baby gets balanced and healthy nutrition

2. How to choose children’s milk powder

①Milk sources and raw materials

Prioritize the golden milk sources between 40-50° north and south latitudes , such as the Netherlands, New Zealand, Denmark, Heilongjiang, etc. The quality of milk sources in these areas is usually higher, such as a2 Zhichu, Qifu, etc.

At the same time, understand whether the milk source comes from self-controlled pastures. Self-controlled pastures can strictly control and ensure the standards of raw milk, thereby improving the overall quality of milk powder, such as the well-known Feihe , Junlebao are all milk powder brands with self-controlled pastures

②Nutritional formula

Children’s nutritional formula needs to comprehensively consider their overall nutritional needs to ensure adequate support in brain and vision development, bone development, digestion and absorption, and immunity. The following are nutritional formula recommendations for these four aspects:

Parents who pay attention to their children's brain vision development can pay attention to the addition of DHA, lutein, zeaxanthin and other nutrients, such as Junlebao Xiaoluban Quanwei Ai Future Children's Formula Milk Powder, Royal Meisujiaer 4 Stage

Parents who pay attention to bone development. You can pay attention to the addition of calcium, vitamin D, hydrolyzed egg yolk powder, colostrum alkaline protein and other nutrients, such as Feihe Xing Feifan Children's Milk Powder 4part.

Parents who pay attention to digestion and absorption can pay attention to OPO, probiotics and probiotics The addition of Yuan, HMO and other ingredients, such as Qifu Blue Diamond 4 segments.

Parents who pay attention to immunity can pay attention to the addition of nutrients such as lactoferrin, such as Mead Johnson Blue 4 Stage

③Sweetness/flavor agents

Parents should learn to treat the addition of sweetness/flavor agents rationally and avoid Blindly pursuing the taste of milk powder and ignoring the nutritional content of milk powder may have a potential impact on the baby's health.

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