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Why should we give children milk powder? This article gives the truth

2024-08-07 22:32evaluating People have gathered around

As parents in the new era, those born in the 1990s and 1995s are more particular about parenting and more refined. They prefer to provide high-end nutrition to their children. With children over 3 years old at home, more and more parents in lower-tier cities are beginning to choose nutritious, high-quality milk powder for their children in order to meet their children's growth needs. Against this background, milk powder rankings for children aged 3 to 7 years old and other lists Received a lot of attention. So, the same brand of milk powder for children aged 3 to 7 years old is on the list. Which brand of milk powder is the best?

When choosing children’s milk powder, parents should consider their children’s growth needs. Generally speaking, the height, weight, intelligence and other aspects of children over 3 years old have entered a stage of rapid development, and their demand for various nutrients is also stronger. However, our daily diet is often difficult to meet the growth needs of children. In addition, many Children have partial eclipses and picky eaters. A nutritionally comprehensive children's milk powder that can help children supplement nutrients that their daily diet cannot provide. Among the milk powder rankings for children aged 3 to 7 years old, there is a children's milk powder from the Netherlands that is popular among parents. It is the Royal Meisujiar Wangyue children's nutritional milk powder created by the Dutch milk powder brand Meisujiar.

As a milk powder imported from the Netherlands, Royal Meisu Jiaer Wangyue is derived from the royal first-layer milk source essence. The milk source naturally contains OPO-like structural fats, which is more beneficial to health. Digestion and absorption can also help soften stool and make the baby's intestines smoother. Its milk source also contains more than 30 key nutrients such as MFGM milk fat membrane protein globules, which can fully meet the growth needs of children aged 3+ and bring a full cup of nutritional blessing to children aged 3+.

Royal Meisu Jiaer Wangyue also created the "IMMU GEN" strong protection formula exclusively for children over 3 years old, specially adding lactoferrin and immunoglobulin. The two major "immunity CPs", as well as the "eye-brain partner" of DHA and bird's nest acid. Among them, lactoferrin, as a relatively rare immune nutrient, can help improve the body's immunity. Immunoglobulin is also an important immune-active nutrient. It is an important antibody that naturally exists in the human body. It can build a precious line of defense for the human body, helping to resist invading bacteria and other pathogens, so that the bacteria lose their threat and exert their influence on the human body. Protective effects. The powerful combination of lactoferrin and immunoglobulin can not only improve the child's defense ability from the outside, but also protect the child from the inside, crowning the child's protective power from the inside out.

DHA, also known as "brain gold", is good for the baby's eye and brain development, and bird's nest acid, as a nutrient present in breast milk, It may be in the communication between nerve cells,As well as having a role in the development of cognitive function, helping to support brain development. DHA and bird's nest acid work together to support the advanced development of children's eyes and brain.

With its multiple advantages such as rich nutrition, scientific formula and high-end quality, Royal Meisu Jiaer Wangyue has been on the list of milk powder rankings for children aged 3 to 7 years old as soon as it was launched. The milk powder ranks among the top 3-10 year-old rankings and has become a children's milk powder sought after by thousands of parents.

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