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# OriginalNewcomer#PostingContest# German Amazon self-operated direct mail Aptamil Aptamil

2024-07-31 22:46evaluating People have gathered around

A newbie from Aunt Zhang’s family. Thank you all for your support. My little sister would like to thank you. Since having a baby, the number of things I need to buy has increased greatly, and I have become accustomed to visiting Aunt Zhang's house every day. Comparing prices is one thing, but the bigger use is to read the various comments, praises and complaints from people who have used them, and then based on Demand determines whether to buy, which can save you a lot of detours and pitfalls. 

My 11-month-old baby had eczema before. After six months of exclusively breast-feeding, we started to add complementary foods and . Because I didn’t dare to give him ordinary milk powder, I bought PEPTI first. The deeply hydrolyzed milk powder contains lactose and is shipped directly from German pharmacies. This is not the focus of today’s discussion, so I will skip it. I recently planned to switch him to regular milk powder. After struggling for a long time, I decided to choose the German Aita White Platinum version. Psychologically, I felt that this might be better than the regular version, although a reliable purchasing agent around me clearly told me that Germans never give their children the Platinum version. As for the number of segments, pre, 1, 2? I also hesitated for a long time. According to common sense, I should choose the corresponding number of segments according to my age. But in the end, I chose Pre for the following reasons:

1. Baby has eczema, and Pre is for newborns, it is easier to digest and absorb, and it is more nutritious.

2. It has been learned from various channels that Deai Platinum 2 is very difficult to buy and often out of stock.

3. He eats very little and is said to be intolerant of hunger. If he is willing to eat more, I really want it.

4. Some experts say that pre can be eaten forever. My approach may not be correct. If you have any reasonable suggestions, please feel free to discuss them together.

As for why I chose Deya Direct Mail, there is nothing special to say. I have reservations about the reliability of some overseas shopping, overseas shopping websites, and forwarding companies. Of course there are generationsBuyer told me that direct mail from Deya may not be reliable. These are all different opinions, so you can make your own choice...

Now that I have decided to buy Aita Whitening Gold pre direct mail from Deya, I started to browse German Amazon every day when I have nothing to do. The interface is very simple, just enter Aptamil directly in the search box, as shown in the picture

< p itemprop="description">I have been browsing for several days. Suddenly, on the night of October 21st, I put the baby to bed and checked the phone. Pre was in stock. Before that, I didn’t know how to check it. Deya is not self-operated, and it seems that it is not very good at judging now. Every time I have to click on the product to find out whether it is self-operated. Here, I would also like to ask my valuable friends, is there any simple and straightforward option to look at self-operation and direct mail?

Because I didn’t take a screenshot when I purchased it, I can only recall the process by myself now. Deya’s self-operated Aptamil will have an English message below: When I scanned it, it reminded me that it was in stock. There are still 6 pieces left. I placed the order immediately. After adding the bank card, 1 euro will be deducted. It should be to verify the validity of the bank card. The price, freight, taxes and fees are as shown in the picture. When you check out at the end, you can choose Euro or RMB. I didn’t think much about it at the time, so I just chose RMB. After doing some calculations, it didn’t seem to be cost-effective. Is it cheaper to choose direct settlement in Euro? Woolen cloth? Can anyone who knows about it tell me?

Then wait The process is complete. I received a call from the courier at 10.30. I placed the order at 10.21 and received it in less than 10 days. The speed is amazing. I was at work when the express delivery came to my door. My father signed for it and said that the box was damaged. I opened it and looked at it. There was another box inside, which was intact, so there was no problem. I took a look and saw that the box inside was Aptamil's packaging box, with 4 boxes per box, also packaged in kraft paper. It was harder than Amazon's express boxes and had good texture. There was an unpacking method on the outside, which was simple and clear. 

< p itemprop="description">

The production date is written on the box, September 2017, very fresh, It can be eaten until March 2019. After opening, the perfect box

Single box photo, this one was taken after opening. I marked the date myself for fear of forgetting

Milk powder, yellow in color

That's pretty much it. I hope the baby can switch to milk smoothly, the eczema will be cured, and I will suffer less and suffer less. Even if it is a bit tiring and expensive, I am still willing to do it for my mother. Thank you all for your patience in reading it~

Trademark label:# OriginalNewcomer#PostingContest# German Amazon self-operated direct mail Aptamil Aptamil

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