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Review of 28 models of milk powder. Do you have any bias against domestic products sold ov

2024-07-31 22:46evaluating People have gathered around

How many mothers are biased against overseas shopping for milk powder?

How many mothers trust domestic milk powder?

I am afraid that too many mothers are entangled in the issue of baby milk powder.

This time, 28 first-stage milk powders were evaluated, and all were sent to the laboratory. In a big competition, who is the real mother's choice?

Get to know the contestants of this issue first

*Original import: produced according to Chinese national standards, with Chinese labels, and has been inspected and quarantined by the customs of both countries. Purchase channels: supermarkets, e-commerce.

*Overseas shopping version: produced according to the standards of the country of origin, with foreign language labels, purchasing channels: global shopping, purchasing agents, human flesh backing!

*Domestic: produced in accordance with Chinese national standards, with Chinese labels. Purchase channels: supermarkets, e-commerce.

For this evaluation, we have set up the security test with no problems, nutritional indicators with no problems, and no problems. The four-level challenge of "not recommended" added ingredients and non-controversial added ingredients divided 28 milk powders into three recommended levels.

Choose with confidence

Recommended - all items are excellent, safety testing is flawless, nutritional content meets national standards, and no added sugar , no starch, no palm oil, no maltodextrin;

You can try it - safe and flawless, nutritionally sound, containing some controversial added ingredients - palm oil or malt Dextrin;

Not recommended - safety issues or nutritional indicators are flawed, contains "not recommended" added ingredients - added sugar or starch;

< h2 id="cl_2">No more words, let’s start to break through the level

Security detection big PK

Two words: Nothing wrong

In accordance with the requirements of GB 10765-2010, the laboratory tested lead, nitrate, nitrite, aflatoxin M1, and microorganisms , impurity, moisture, ash and other indicators, the results are all right.

In addition to the national standard, we also tested...

For mothers concerned about melamine, food spices (vanillin, ethyl fragrance Lanins), antibiotics, chlorates, perchlorates, sex hormones, and sweeteners were also tested. Still didn't find anything wrong.

Safety testing that cost a lot of money... the results can be said to be happy (hao) big (wu) general (fa) Ben (xian)!

Want to see the testing data of specific milk powder? Go to our official account (id: fangxinpingce) to view the original text! ~

Successful milk powder in this round: 28 styles

Shenzhen Nutritional composition table of 28 milk powders

8 overseas milk powders that can be downgraded to try

Safely passed, let's continue PK nutrition

We have translated and compiled the nutritional composition tables of 28 milk powders, and also reviewed some national standards that require but are not marked on the milk powder cans After testing the content of nutrients (such as iodine in Japanese milk powder), it can be said that some new discoveries have been made.

8 models of overseas milk powder are downgraded to try

The nutritional contents of the British version of Aptamil, British Cowland and French Caliya meet the requirements of my country's national standards and passed the test this time. The remaining 8 overseas milk powders are not labeled on whey protein/total protein, lactose/carbohydrate, etc., and are different from Chinese standards. You can try to downgrade them.

Some mothers may ask, why must we emphasize this ratio?

In fact, in order to ensure that milk powder is close to breast milk nutrition, my country's national standards have stricter regulations on lactose and protein ingredients. That is, the proportion of lactose in carbohydrates must be ≥90%, and the proportion of lactose in milk-based infant formula must be ≥90%. The whey protein content must be ≥60%, but since overseas milk powder does not need to be produced according to Chinese standards, there are no regulations on the above two items.

In addition, there are 8 models that can be tried. Among overseas milk powders, the iodine content of Meiji and Morinaga milk powders sold overseas is relatively low.

*According to the requirements of GB10765 2010: The iodine content should be 2.5-14 μg/100KJ.

Iodine is an important raw material for the synthesis of thyroid hormone. Iodine deficiency in childhood can easily cause cretinism. As an island country, Japan has geographical location. Affected by other factors, nutritional needs will also differ from those in inland areas of my country. Mothers should also fully consider the iodine content when purchasing these two products.

Original imported & domestic milk powder

Since both national and domestic milk powder are produced in accordance with my country's standards, there is little difference in nutritional indicators. There is no winner in this round, let’s move on to the next level.

Nutritional composition table of 28 milk powders [Tip of the Iceberg]

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The amount of information is too large. If you want to see all the tables, you can reply "Milk Powder Ingredient Table" in the background of our official account to show you the complete data

Successful milk powder in this round: 20 models

Check one by one and it is not recommended to add ingredients

Two milk powders are included in the not recommended list

Not recommended ingredients: Added Sugar, starch

Added sugar is something that all mothers must be familiar with. It increases the risk of obesity and dental caries. The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that people under 2 years old not consume added sugar.

< p itemprop="description">And starch belongs toThe carbohydrate content, although not sweet, is not well digested by babies under 4 months old.

GB10765 stipulates that only pre-gelatinized starch (such as maltodextrin commonly found in milk powder) can be added to infant formula.

The Hong Kong version of Mead Johnson/Tefufen was recruited

Check the nutritional content and ingredient list one by one. Among them, Mead Johnson ingredients contain corn syrup solids, which is added sugar. It is not recommended to downgrade directly from OK, but the previous round was successful. Contestant Tefufen is labeled as containing starch in its ingredients and is not recommended for mothers to buy.

Successful milk powder in this round: 19 models

Do you want controversial ingredients?

There is no best, 13 models were finally shortlisted for recommendation

Who are the controversial contestants in milk powder?

The two ingredients, palm oil and maltodextrin, are more controversial. Let’s take a look first. Pros and cons.

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You can try this round of 6 milk powders that have been downgraded

Since they are controversial ingredients, in order to avoid even a 0.1% probability of harm , we carefully sifted through the ingredient list again, but many fans didn’t stand the test and stopped making the recommendation list.

Succeeded in this roundMilk powder: 13 types

After passing all four levels, the following milk powders are shortlisted

【Recommended list with confidence】

There is nothing wrong with the safety test, and the nutritional standards are in line with our country's requirements

No Contains starch and added sugar; does not contain palm oil or maltodextrin

It can be said that he is a good student with excellent performance in all aspects

Milk source VS functional added ingredients

As long as you like it!

Based on everyone’s curiosity about milk sources and functional added ingredients, I would like to spend two more dollars.

Concerning the source of milk, let’s first take a look at the “Milk Powder Map of the World in Mother’s Eyes” that is popular on the Internet

< p itemprop="description">After reading it, I feel deeply that the chain of contempt for the milk source is really leveraged. Many mothers admire Australian and Nordic milk powder, thinking that the air is good, there is less pollution, there are large farms, and the milk source is good... There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

But the matter of milk source is still a matter of cabbage and radish, everyone has their own preferences. Therefore, in this round of evaluation, the milk powders selected into the recommended list are lined up for mothers according to the source of milk. You can buy them wherever you like~

In addition, what are the added ingredients such as DHA, ARA, OPO, and CPP in milk powder? Are the more of them the better? Here we briefly sort out the human version of 10 common functional added ingredients in milk powder, as well as the milk powder on the recommended list and the votes for each ingredient.

*DHA/ARA: Improve intelligence and enhance visual sensitivity

*Taurine: Promote brain cell development, improve nerve conduction and visual function

*Choline: Promotes brain development and fat metabolism

*Nucleotides: Participates in immune regulation and promotes gastrointestinal development

*CPP : Promote calcium and iron absorption

*Lactoferrin: Enhance baby's resistance

*Lutein: Antioxidant, protect vision


*Prebiotics: Improve intestinal flora and facilitate defecation

*OPO structural fat: Prevent constipation

Knock on the blackboard here~

In the 2014 European Food Safety Authority report Point out: The presence of a certain substance in breast milk does not necessarily indicate that this substance has special effects on the baby, nor does the concentration of certain nutrients in breast milk necessarily reflect the needs of the baby. To sum it up in one sentence: More of these functional ingredients is not necessarily better. There is no need for mothers to deliberately pursue more functional added ingredients when purchasing.

How to choose a biological mother?

The godmother group has finished talking about everything. If you are still confused, you may wish to refer to the following choices of biological mothers.

Cindy, mother-to-be

Xibao Prebiotics 1st Stage (originally imported from France )

Milk origin: Europe Purchase price: about 368 yuan

Based on 700ml of milk consumption per day, it will cost about 43 yuan /day

I will choose Xibao. The German people have a rigorous and serious attitude towards work. My eldest brother also eats Xibao, and the second child plans to continue eating Xibao.

Echo, a former milk powder practitioner

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Aptamil Aibromei First Stage (originally imported from Germany)

Milk origin: Europe Purchase price: about 220 yuan Suitable for babies 0-6 months


Based on 700ml of milk consumption per day, it will cost about 30 yuan/day

Currently I choose Aitami. Overall, : Big brand, long history, trouble-free, well packaged. I prefer to choose imported products that are safe and have Chinese labels.

Yaya Ma who pursues cost-effectiveness

Yili Gold 1 section (domestic)

Milk source: domestic Purchase price: about 101 yuan Suitable for babies 0-6 months

Based on 700ml of milk consumption per day, the average daily cost is about 14 yuan/day

I will choose Yili. If you don’t like domestic milk sources, don’t leave. Come on, as a fourth-tier town, many imported milk powders are not available. Since they are safe and cost-effective, I support domestic milk powders and hope they will get better and better.

Overseas shopping party strong mother

Niulan (UK overseas version)

Milk origin: Europe Purchase price: about 115 yuan Suitable for babies 0-6 months

Based on 700ml of milk consumption per day, the average daily cost is about 19 yuan/day

Although the cattle pen I chose is only a trial level, After analysis, I will still choose this one. First of all, the nutritional indicators are said to be in line with my country's standards. As for the palm oil, since it is a controversial ingredient, I said I won't be entangled. The most important thing is that the baby did not find any abnormalities when eating beef. I won't change the milk powder.

This review article comes from our official account, feel free to choose, id: fangxinpingce

Didn’t find the milk powder you want? Don’t panic, follow our official account, enter "Products" in the menu bar "Red and Black List", the data of 28 milk powders are listed there!

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