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Is domestic infant milk powder really expensive? Is it safe? How to choose your baby’s fo

2024-07-04 20:36evaluating People have gathered around

Today we will talk about the purchase of infant formula milk powder. Not much to say, let’s get straight to the point.

1. Is domestic milk powder expensive? No, it’s Bank of China that’s more expensive!

When it comes to domestic milk powder, let alone whether you are assured of safety, the first reaction of many people is-price expensive.

Actually, I personally don’t think so. Let’s look at two products first.

Two three-stage powders in cartons, Feihe’s Feifan, 136 yuan 1600g, converted to The common size of canned powder is 800g, which is less than 70 yuan per can. Jinling Guanyuhu costs 145 yuan for 1,200g, which is less than 100 yuan per can if converted to 800g.

And both of them also have OPO, especially Feihe, which I personally know well, Feifan and The star product Xingfeifan is produced by the same factory and on the same line. Feihe claims the freshness of Xingfeifan's raw milk powder and promotes that all ingredients are imported. So, does Feifan do the same? I didn’t mention it, but I didn’t deny it either. But one thing that is clear is that if the same set of equipment and the same management system are used, there will be no problem with security.

If you look closely at the formulas, most of the ingredients in each company’s low-end and mid-to-high-end lines are The same, but for the more valuable raw materials such as OPO and lactoferrin, less or no addition will be made.

So, let’s see if there are any of these valuable raw materials in those more than 100 imported milk powders?

And as far as the child's growth and development itself is concerned, opo, opn, lactoferrin, etc. are important for digestion and absorption.They do have a certain effect on promoting growth and growth, but they are not essential ingredients, that is, they are supplements, not essentials. After all, the domestic industry covers all aspects, and these additions are related to formulas.

If you are someone who buys milk powder overseas, then you probably don’t care much about these ingredients, right?

The topic is far off topic. I only mention the above content to say that you buy an ordinary domestic carton. There are indeed many low-priced options for infant milk powder. It is unreasonable to say that domestic powder is expensive without focusing on the high-end.

Let’s get back to the title. I say it’s not that domestic products are expensive, but that national banks are expensive. Otherwise, go and take a look. Imported brands of National Bank milk powder can be found everywhere, ranging from 3 to 400 cans each. Even the well-known National Bank, Zhuocui, which is popular among everyone, is priced at more than 200 RMB.

The reason behind it is actually very simple, that is, online prices must be controlled and cannot be lower than offline. At present, offline is still the main place for the sales and promotion of infant milk powder, and offline stores have to bear a series of costs such as rent, water, electricity, and labor. Channel costs account for the majority of offline milk powder prices.

In fact, I know that the ex-factory prices of many domestic big brands are actually very low. After all, an offline store needs There are many brands selling products, why should I recommend yours? In addition to your family being stronger and having a better reputation, of course it cannot lag behind in terms of profits. If the product is both good and profitable, is it a win-win situation for both the store and the manufacturer?

Except for the higher shipping cost, the cost of overseas milk powder is similar to that of regular online sales. If you have found relatives and friends to purchase on your behalf, many people will find that the prices of many fast-moving consumer goods purchased globally on, Tmall, etc. are lower than those in local supermarkets. For the same reason, the cost of local offline stores is also higher. Counted in the product.

2. Is domestic milk powder safe?

There is an owner of a domestic dairy company with factories in Spain and South Korea. He said that Korean infant powder is inspected for four items before leaving the factory. In comparison, domestic infant formula must be tested for fifty or sixty items before leaving the factory. Just for the milk collection process of raw milk, more than four items are tested. After the melamine incident, the domestic management of infant milk powder has been tightened many times. Especially during the existence of the Food and Drug Administration, infant formula began to be managed according to the requirements of drugs (in fact, it is still slightly looser than drugs) and the intensity continues to the present. Therefore, you can absolutely rest assured about the safety of domestically produced milk powder, especially for large manufacturers.

If the overall intensity of supervision of ordinary domestic food companies is 1, then the intensity of supervision of ordinary dairy products is about It is 2. The supervision intensity of infant formula companies is about 10. Correspondingly, the supervision intensity of homemade foods in farmers' markets and morning markets is about 0.3. Are you buying food at the morning market?

Due to the huge access requirements and complex inspection items, none of the current domestic infant milk companies will It’s too small, because without an output value of several hundred million a year, it really can’t bear the overall cost.

However, domestic milk powder also has other problems, that is, it is more difficult to control the milk source. Our country currently mainly Regarding milk powder brands, the best source of milk is really from Heilongjiang. However, even in the golden milk-producing belts near Qiqihar and Daqing in Heilongjiang, the milk produced is still far behind compared with developed countries in the dairy industry such as Australia and Europe.

After all, my country has a short history of generally drinking milk. Most of the main dairy cows in the north are imported from abroad. The more famous ones are the black and white Hollandstein cows. Cattle of the same breed may be healthier, produce more milk, and have better milk quality in the country of origin. However, when they come to us, they are relatively easy to get sick, and the quality of the milk may not be as good as that of the country of origin.

Many friends often say that imported liquid milk is cheaper than domestically produced liquid milk. In addition to local subsidies, ,a lot ofIt is also because their feeding costs may be lower than ours. Cows get sick easily. Once they get sick, they need to be medicated. Once medicated, the milk they produce cannot be used. A series of issues including feed storage and other issues may affect the health of the cows and the quality of the milk. An excellent dairy factory will not only In addition to the strict management of the production workshop itself, the management of the pasture is even more important. Well, except for milk powder companies that use dry processes.

Fortunately, we are unique in the world in abnormal inspection (people in the industry say it themselves). The source problem is more reflected in the cost, but not in the safety of the final product.

3. Are old local brands trustworthy?

Many consumers have a misunderstanding and believe in some local dairy companies that they have been drinking since childhood. He grew up with milk powder, and it is still a state-owned enterprise (or it used to be a state-owned enterprise), so the quality of the milk powder is definitely not bad.

However, the production of milk powder is a systematic project, and for now, the industry profits are pretty good. Normally, companies will not take risks and do things that harm the quality of their products just for the sake of making a little profit. After all, if someone's baby powder goes negative, the social repercussions will be huge, and the company will most likely be in ruins.

Subjectively, everyone wants to do a good job. Objectively, there are more companies with hot-selling brands in the market. Profits can be invested in the maintenance and renovation of factories and production equipment. However, companies with poor management will have a gap in the speed of solving problems and capital investment. As mentioned earlier, the operating costs of the infant formula industry are very high. High, when everyone meets the standard, some companies aim for full marks, and some companies aim for passing, so the quality control capabilities are naturally different.

So when choosing a brand, it is recommended to choose a national hot-selling brand and try not to choose one with average operating conditions. An old local brand.

Four, does delicious milk powder necessarily mean good milk powder?

This is a misunderstanding among many people, including liquid milk. It does not mean that it tastes good, but milk with a strong milk flavor must be good. The flavor of milk mainly comes from It is based on fat rather than protein, and we drink milk mainly to supplement protein and calcium. Their content and quality have nothing to do with flavor.

Generally, because infant formula contains a relatively high content of DHA (an important substance that helps brain development), it will have a faint fishy smell, so it generally does not taste very good. At the same time, the more fragrant and sweet the milk powder, the more children will like to drink it. Some milk powders specifically increase the sugar content in order to make children like to drink it. At the same time, vanillin can be added to the third-stage powder, and the only purpose of vanillin is In order to make the milk powder taste more fragrant, children prefer to drink it. Although vanillin is theoretically harmless to the body, it is also unhelpful and will make it difficult for children to change milk powder later, so if you choose milk powder, you can Avoid vanillin, then try to avoid it

Four, summary

In fact, many people probably want to read in this article how to read the formula and how to choose milk powder. But what I want to say is that the vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of various infants and young children in the national standards are made of Children who drink milk powder that meets the national standards and are limited in quantity will not lack many nutrients. The "valuable ingredients" I mentioned above are also what various brands focus on. They are all useful but not necessary ingredients. Parents can choose according to their actual needs and consumption levels.

The most important thing about milk powder is that your children drink it. Growth is normal, digestion is normal, neither too thin nor too fat. Every baby is full of energy. Although every parent wants the best for their children, in fact, the milk powder that is most suitable for their babies may not be the most expensive. .

The author declares that this article has no interest, and welcomes rational communication with friends.Harmonious discussion~

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