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Boiled peanuts

2023-09-10 01:25special People have gathered around

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  • NO MORE SORENESS! The breast shells don’t touch your nipples allowing for healing time between nursing and pumping sessions. Ideal to get a break from friction and irritation that sore nips can experience with the constant demands of breastfeeding. They act as a nippleshield and nipple guard. SOOTHES, HEALS, PROTECTS MOISTURIZES your nipples with our nipplecreams for a pleasant breastfeeding experience and even when you are pregnant and your nipples start itching ;) It can be used also for diaper rash, on baby’s dry spots, your lips and anywhere on your skin! NO MORE LIQUID GOLD WASTED! Every drop counts. Collect breastmilk whether you are on a sitting position or lying down. These breast milk cups / collectors are especially helpful early on when every drop is needed! Use these all throughout the day in between pump and breastfeeding sessions to build your milk stash effortlessly! You’ll be amazed how many ounces you can collect in a day ;) NON STICKY, ODORLESS EASILY ABSORBED! ...
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