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Why is breast milk the exclusive formula for babies? 4 points to explain how exclusive bre

2024-09-10 20:14evaluating People have gathered around

Every time we talk about breast milk being good and recommending breastfeeding, someone always wants to refute it. The same goes for babies drinking milk powder. In fact, I don’t mean to say that formula milk is bad, but it is true that formula milk can only be the best backup for breast milk, because breast milk is the exclusive formula for babies, and every baby drinks it differently. Same.

1. The baby’s monthly age is different, and the nutrition of breast milk is also different

As we all know, there is no food that is most suitable for babies. It is very nutritious, with a total of700 multiple nutrients, including Carbohydrates, immunoglobulins, vitamins, minerals, etc., within the first six months of the baby’s life,except for vitamin D, breast milk can meet all the nutritional needs of the baby. Even after six months, the nutrition of breast milk is unmatched by other dairy products.

①Within one week after the baby is born (colostrum)

When the baby is just born, the stomach capacity is very small. The baby only needs to eat 5~7ml each time to be full. When he is one week old, he should eat 45~60ml is enough. Don’t underestimate these few milliliters of milk. This is colostrum. It is relatively thick and contains rich immunoglobulin, phagocytes, etc.. It is commonly known as soft gold of baby food.

The baby secretes colostrum within one week after birth,It is specially produced to help newborns improve their resistance. New mothers should not waste it.

②The baby is 7~14 days old (transitional milk)

The baby's weight will change in the first few days after birth The baby's weight will return to normal one week after birth. As long as the milk supply is sufficient, the baby will gain weight quickly. In order to help the baby achieve this wish, milk from one week to two weeks after the baby is born has the highest fat and lactose content. This ensures that the baby can gain weight quickly and has enough energy to adapt to the womb. life outside.

Although it is normal to gain more than 600g of weight per month, many newborns can gain 3 to 5 pounds per month during the confinement period.

My eldest son weighed 5.6 pounds when he was born. Although the amount of milk was insufficient, he weighed 7.8 pounds when he was one month old and successfully gained 2.2 pounds. The second baby weighed 7.2 kilograms when he was born, and weighed 10.5 kilograms when he was one month old, gaining 3.3 kilograms.

These are all contributed by the fat and lactose in breast milk, and this is also the transition from colostrum to mature milk a stage.

③Baby is born from 15 days to 9 months (mature milk)

From 2 weeks after the baby is born to nine months, the protein, fat, lactose, minerals, etc. in breast milk during this period are lower than those in transitional milk. There has been a decrease, but breast milk is at a very mature stage, nutritional enough, and its composition is relatively stable.

Of course, breast milk actually changes a little when the baby is six months old. Breast milk after 6 months can no longer fully satisfy the baby. The nutritional needs of the baby are met, so we need to add complementary foods to the baby to add other nutrients to the baby. Of course, adding complementary foods is not just for this reason.

But no matter what, breast milk is always breast milk, and it cannot be surpassed by other milk substitutes.

④After the baby is 10 months old (late milk)

After the baby is 10 months old, complementary foods have been added Very mature, babies can also get a lot of other nutrients from complementary foods. At the same time, the composition of breast milk has also begun to change, and the protein, fat, minerals, etc. in breast milk have declined. However, this does not mean that breast milk has no nutrients. Yes, breast milk at this time is still very nutritious. If possible:

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, babies aged six It is best to breastfeed before the age of 1 month, and continue to breastfeed until the age of two or more after adding complementary foods for six months.

⑤ Breast milk is also divided into foremilk and hindmilk

Foremilk is each The milk that comes out first during a breastfeeding session looks like clear water and has very high water and protein content. In addition to supplementing protein to the baby, its main function is to quench thirst. /p>

As mentioned just now, breast milk can meet all the nutrients needed by babies under six months old. It includes water and is pure milk within six months. For breastfed babies, there is no need to feed the baby extra water unless there are special circumstances.

Hindmilk comes out later during the same feeding. Milk, this one looks like milk, milky white, with a very high fat content. It provides more than 50% of the baby's energy, so it is responsible for keeping the baby full and growing fat. strong>

Colostrum and transitional milk are not divided into foremilk and hindmilk. Mature milk is divided into foremilk and hindmilk. As long as the baby eats milk normally, he will complete every breastfeeding , eating foremilk and hindmilk is a complete food.

However, mothers can also use it during the feeding process. This feature can be changed appropriately according to the baby's condition. For example, a baby with a lighter weight can drink more hind milk to increase energy and gain weight.

This is an exclusive formula customized according to the different ages of babies.

2. Different Wet nurses, the nutrition of breast milk is also different

At the same age, the nutrition of breast milk is also different for different wet nurses. There is a difference.

Because breast milk is alive.

The nutritional content of breast milk will change with the mother's mood, exercise status, diet, etc.

For example, when a mother's mood changes, the hormone levels in her body will also change, and the quality of breast milk will also change at any time.

When a mother exercises strenuously, her body will produce more lactic acid, which will cause the milk to sour and turn into yogurt.

The mother's diet can also affect the nutrition of the milk. The nutrients the mother eats will enter the blood circulation and participate in the synthesis of breast milk. In other words, if the mother's diet is more balanced, the nutrition of the milk in the mother's milk will also be more balanced. , if the mother's diet is relatively simple, the nutrients in breast milk are also simple.

So, the composition of breast milk produced by different wet nurses is also slightly different, and what each breastfed baby drinks is tailor-made of breast milk.

It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers should have a balanced diet, eat less food that is not good for the baby, and try to stay in a happy mood.

3. The amount of milk is different

Breast milk secretion is very intelligent, and the amount of milk will also change according to the baby's needs.

First of all, we need to understand the principle of breast milk secretion: that is,the baby's movements when feeding will stimulate the mother's pituitary gland, and the brain When the pituitary gland is instructed, it secretes prolactin to produce milk.

Baby feeding = placing an order for breast milk, the more you eat, the more you eat. The more you eat, that is to say, the more milk you eat, the more milk you eat.

As long as the baby needs it, he will nurse, and the milk will be secreted according to the baby's needs.

Moreover, when the baby is born soon, the baby's needs and the mother's supply have not yet fully adjusted, so there will be too much or not enough breast milk. situation, but after a period of running-in, everyone understands each other, this situation will gradually disappear, and there will be a balance of supply and demand, that is, the mother does not feel that the milk is increasing, but the baby also has enough breast milk.

In short, the amount of milk for each baby is different, and the time and frequency of feeding are also different. The mother secretesThe milk is naturally different. Even if the supply and demand balance is also achieved, the balance point is different. This is one-to-one customization.

4. Breast milk is always fresh

The breast milk in a mother's body has no expiration date. At any time, the baby eats fresh breast milk.

Because the nutrients in the mother's body are combined in a sterile environment before they are synthesized into breast milk. In the flow state, only when the baby is breastfeeding, through the stimulation of the baby's sucking on the nipple, the pituitary gland will release prolactin and oxytocin. One of them is responsible for secreting milk, and the other is responsible for Only by opening the gate can the baby get breast milk. The most important thing is that the breasthas no storage function.

The breast milk that the baby drinks is all produced, how can it not be fresh!

Even after secreting breast milk, the breast milk that has not been consumed but is still in the mammary gland is still fresh.

In summary, every breastfed baby drinks high-end exclusive formula milk. However, if breastfeeding is not possible, don’t feel too guilty or reluctant. The right one is the best.

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