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Why does my baby suddenly only take breast milk from one side? The reason is really specia

2024-09-10 20:14evaluating People have gathered around

I came across a post about a mother asking a question. The baby has always been breastfed and fed well, but suddenly became a "picky eater". I'm sucking milk from the left breast, but I don't even want to touch the right breast, and I don't know what's going on.

The reason why I pay attention to this issue is because lazy mothers also encountered this problem during breastfeeding, and it was exactly the same situation. Without any warning, the baby would only drink milk from the left side, while the right side seemed to be pricked by needles, which was daunting to the baby.

1. So why did the baby suddenly only feed on one side?

I guess the babies are distributed uniformly, so there are many similarities, even such weird behaviors. Like-minded babies, although the reasons may be different.

  • The baby only takes milk from one side, simply because of willfulness

Some babies are simply willful, depending on their mood, they don’t want to eat from the other side I won’t take milk, since I have milk anyway, I am willful, no reason, and there is no reason. This situation does not require any intervention, and it will be fine after a while.

Just like when the lazy mother encountered this situation, because it was the first time, she didn’t know how to deal with it. I learned a lot of methods and tried all kinds of things, but they all turned out to be useless, so I gave up the struggle. Every time you breastfeed, try the side that the baby doesn't want to eat. Even if the baby doesn't eat, don't force it. Unexpectedly, after about a week, the baby no longer rejected it and took turns eating as usual.

  • The mother has nipple defects that make it difficult for the baby to suck

The baby is unwilling to take breast milk from one side. It may be because the nipples on that side have some defects, such as the nipples are inverted and cannot receive milk. Nipples that are too short are difficult to eat, and nipples that are thick are difficult to hold, which is not conducive to baby sucking.

When your baby is young and doesn’t know how to choose, there won’t be so many things to do. When your baby gets older and knows that there are comparisons, he will naturally know which side is delicious and which side is not. , babies are very smart, and they will naturally dislike anything that tastes bad.

I have heard friends complain about it before. , her baby was unwilling to take her breast milk because the nipple was too short and it was very difficult for the baby to eat. After trying the bottle once, she was no longer willing to take breast milk.

If it is caused by this reason, the mother must find ways to improve these situations. For example, if the nipples are inverted, they must be corrected during pregnancy and stretched regularly. Even if they cannot It becomes the same as the other side and cannot be too deep to affect the baby's feeding.

In the other two cases, the baby should eat it when he is young. There is definitely a certain degree of difficulty in breastfeeding, but you should try your best to feed the baby. Don't give up just because the baby dislikes it. The difficulty will be reduced when the baby is older

  • The milk on the other side is too little and the baby dislikes it

Some mothers like to feed one side first every time when feeding. When they feed the other side, the baby is not so hungry or even full, and the baby is not willing to feed again. .

After too many times, the sucking time and frequency of the other side are not enough, resulting in less and less milk. Who would want to do a physical job that takes a lot of effort and doesn't get much milk, not even the baby.

The milk blockage on the other side is so severe that the baby cannot drink milk at all

Breastfeeding mothers will inevitably encounter milk blockage or mastitis. Some mothers even have lumps in their entire R-room >, if it is because the milk supply is low, you can still get a little milk if you try hard, but if your breasts are lumpy, you may not be able to take a few mouthfuls even if you try hard. Since the baby cannot drink milk, it is normal for the baby not to want to eat. .

  • There is too much milk on the other side and the baby cannot swallow it< /p>

Sometimes too much milk is not a good thing, or the baby is full enough if he eats just one side, and he doesn’t want to Then eat the other side, either because there is too much milk, and the flow rate is too high and too fast when feeding. The baby often has no time to swallow when feeding, and it is easy to choke. The mother does not know how to help control the milk speed, resulting in difficulty in feeding. If it becomes a burden, how can the baby like it?

  • When feeding the other side, the baby’s feeding posture is uncomfortable

BreastfeedingIncorrect posture will make the baby very uncomfortable when feeding.

Don’t think that every breastfeeding mother can hold her baby in the correct posture to breastfeed. Many mothersWhen the mother is holding the baby with her uphand hand, she can hold it easily, but when she is using her backhand hand, she is at a loss. She doesn’t know where to put her hands to hold the baby comfortably.

Although the baby cannot speak, he also knows how to resist. If he is uncomfortable in the hug, the baby will tell his mother in his own way, such as He said, I won’t eat the milk from there.

Second, how to correct the baby's feeding on only one side?

  • Find out the reasons and defeat them one by one

If the baby is just "playing a little tantrum", the mother can ignore it and it will be over in a few days alright.

Adopt the correct feeding posture to keep the baby's chest to chest and belly to belly when feeding , the lower jaw is attached to the breast and can hold the entire areola. When the milk comes, use scissor hands to control the milk speed to prevent the baby from choking on milk.

If the nipple is defective, it should be corrected in time.

If breast milk is insufficient, you must find a way to increase the milk on this side, baby If you don't want to eat, you can use a breast pump to help, or use more massage or hot compress to increase the amount of milk.

When encountering mastitis or blocked milk, the best solution is to let the baby eat more, in order to prevent the baby from eating so hard , before feeding, you can apply heat to soften the internal tissue and expand the milk ducts, making it easier for the baby to feed. You can also use hot compress + massage toThis method can clear the breast ducts and drain the accumulated milk.

  • When feeding, feed the side of the baby that is not eating first

No matter what the cause is, when the baby is hungry and wants to feed, the mother can feed the side that the baby is not eating first. After all, when the baby is hungry, it is not so picky. What's more, if the milk supply decreases or the milk is blocked, the baby should be allowed to eat more first.

You cannot leave the part of the baby uneaten. You must express the milk to avoid accumulation of milk or less and less milk. .

  • Feed the side that the baby doesn’t like when he is confused

The baby knows how to resist when he is awake. If he is in a daze, he may not even know he has eaten it. When the mother feeds night milk, she feeds the side that is not eating, or she feeds the baby when she is half asleep and half awake.

Mom can also try to apply the breast milk from the side where the baby is eating to the side of the breast that is not eating, so that the baby can feel the breast milk The milk that arrived was the "same formula" (actually the same formula).

If the baby doesn't eat, then we can't starve the baby and let the baby eat first. Just increase the number of feedings, and the other side will also express the milk simultaneously, always ready for the baby to accept it again.

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