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How to choose infant formula milk powder? (1)

2024-07-27 14:30evaluating People have gathered around

The topic we talked about today is of concern to many parents. We have also received many messages. Everyone hopes that Dad Wei can recommend a good infant formula milk powder. But the matter of milk powder really varies from person to person. No matter which one is recommended, it cannot be said to be the best, because there are always babies who are not suitable.

▲ Supermarket real shots

We have focused on some formula milk powder that everyone is more concerned about Question, I hope to give some advice on buying milk powder to parents of babies.

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Ingredient requirements for infant formula< /strong>

my country has requirements for the ingredients of infant formula milk powder.

The above will be marked in the nutrition table. Qualified formula milk powders are similar in essential ingredients. The differences are mainly reflected in the optional ingredients, processes and raw materials (overseas products are another matter).

Is imported milk really reliable?

Many parents tend to choose infant formula made from foreign milk sources. Dad Wei suggested that regardless of whether the milk source is foreign or domestic, first turn to the back to read the ingredient list. ,Try to choose infant formula that is mainly produced from raw milk (milk) and skimmed milk (milk), that is, the raw material is liquid, not powder.

▲ Actual photos of the ingredients of a certain infant powder

Infant formula produced from milk is fresher and safer than that produced from milk powder.

Because most of the milk powder is imported, It is called "big bag powder" in the industry. Such big bag powder is produced abroad, imported to China by sea, and then used for production of infant formula, including customs clearance and entry, takes about half a year. Not only is the freshness greatly reduced, but a series of transportation and storage processes also increase the chance of milk powder being contaminated.

Anywhere that emphasizes "100% imported milk", use It’s basically this kind of big package powder, such as Yi L’s Golden L Crown. Do you really think that imported liquid milk is reprocessed in China? Just think about the cost difference and you’ll understand.

< p itemprop="description">It is a good habit to read the ingredient list. Parents, you must read the ingredients carefully. If it contains milk (milk) powder or skimmed milk (milk) powder, you should pay attention. p>

▲ Real shot of a certain baby powder

< strong>How to judge whether DHA and ARA are sufficient?

DHA and ARA (AA) parents should be familiar with these two substances for their baby’s vision. It helps to some extent with mental development. It is generally added to infant powder sold on the market today.

But the "National Food Safety Standard for Labeling of Prepackaged Special Dietary Foods" stipulates this. :

★☆ In Stage 1 milk powder, the added amount of DHA must be no less than 0.2% of the total fatty acids to be considered as containing DHA, and at least the same amount of ARA must be added ( AA).

★☆ In Stage 2 milk powder, if DHA can help the baby's vision development, the content cannot be less than 0.3 of the total fatty acids. %.

▲ GB 13432-2013 screenshot

So the key to judging whether DHA is added in sufficient amount is to look at the nutritional label. Yes The milk powder will directly indicate the percentage of DHA in total fatty acids, so you can directly judge it.

▲ Actual shot of the nutritional content of a certain infant formula< /span>

There are also some infant powders that only label the content of DHA. Here is a formula for you, you can also calculate it yourself The labeled DHA content ÷ fat. Content × 100%, you can calculate the percentage. For example: 0.0318 ÷ 22.6 × 100% ≈ 0.14%

▲ A certain baby Actual powder nutrition facts list

Can OPO prevent constipation in babies?

OPO is the abbreviation of "1,3-dioleic acid 2-palmitic acid triglyceride", which is also a fat structure in breast milk. It can promote the absorption of palmitic acid and calcium and relieve baby's hard stool. and constipation symptoms.

But it is not just the lack of OPO that causes the baby's symptoms. After all, the ingredients of infant formula and breast milk are very different.

On the other hand, some products add OPO just to increase their value. The content of OPO is probably not even close to that of breast milk.

If the baby is really. If you have hard stools or constipation, when buying OPO-containing milk powder, please compare the nutritional information table and try to choose the one with higher content. Otherwise, the OPO milk powder purchased at a high price may be no different from ordinary milk powder. /p>

▲ The picture comes from the Internet

BusinessAre probiotics or prebiotics better?

Probiotics or prebiotics are added to infant formula, usually to make the baby's bowel movements smooth.

Parents should note that try not to choose products that have added probiotics but do not indicate specific strains.

Different probiotics, prebiotics and their combinations have different functions and amounts. So how to judge whether they are really beneficial to the baby?

You can check whether there are relevant references or scientific research support such as clinical verification based on the information on the label or official website. If there are none, then wake up, it’s just one more gimmick and one more selling point.

What are vanillin and ethyl vanillin? ?

These two substances are flavor ingredients and can be added to milk powder of stage 2 and above according to the standards.

▲ GB 2760-2014 screenshot

But friends who often follow Dad Wei You must know thatflavors, sugars, sweeteners and salt are things we do not recommend your baby to try too early.

If these ingredients are consumed for a long time,it may aggravate the baby's taste and make it difficult for him to accept bland food. He is prone to picky eaters and partial eclipses, and may even increase dental caries and Chances of obesity.

▲ Actual shot of ingredients for a certain infant powder

Should formula milk be consumed until preschool age?

Many merchants promote that milk powder should be consumed until at least 3 years old, preferably until preschool age, and there are even 5-stage milk powder on sale.

▲ The picture comes from the Internet

In fact, after the baby reaches one year old, various nutrients mainly come from food. To achievecomprehensive and balanced nutrition, it mainly depends on a reasonable diet.

For milk needs, pasteurized milk, room temperature milk, ordinary milk powder, yogurt and cheese can be completely substituted.

So,Generally, babies only need to drink 1 or 2 segments. If they are more picky eaters, consider the following segments.

< h3>Is milk powder purchased overseas unsafe?

Last year and the year before last, CCTV's "Consumer Proposal" column conducted two reviews on infant formula, testing 19 overseas infant formula formulas and 9 models respectively. The unqualified rates for domestic and foreign infant formula products have reached 42.1% and 66% respectively.

▲ CCTV website screenshot

Actually, these so-called failures refer to "the added amount of nutrients does not meet my country's standards". But the requirements are different in different countries. When countries set standards for infant formula, in order to better meet the needs of their own infants, they must also consider their country's diet, physical constitution, and breast milk composition based on the Codex standards established by the International Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). Therefore,it is impossible for the standards of various countries to be completely consistent.

▲ National standard screenshot

Although the formula of this overseas milk powder cannot better satisfy Chinese babiesdemand, but it will not lead to intellectual retardation, low immunity, gastrointestinal bleeding, and cretinism in babies as mentioned in the program...

Regain our confidence in domestic milk powder It's understandable, but it's not advisable to use our standards to judge the milk powder consumed by foreigners.

The main reason why Dad Wei does not recommend buying milk powder overseas is that it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the fake, and the quality will be affected to a certain extent during transportation, storage and distribution. Influence. In addition, if you are interested, you can learn about my country’s legal regulations on overseas shopping products. Overseas shopping products are a buying and selling relationship established between consumers and foreign sellers. The purchasing agent (including platforms and "self-operated") is only responsible for shipping the goods. After a problem occurs, do you know who the foreign seller is? Who knows?

If you want to buy foreign milk powder, it is recommended to buy imported milk powder, which is "licensed". Such milk powder is not only officially imported, but the formula is formulated in accordance with Chinese standards, making it more suitable for Chinese babies.

▲ The picture comes from the Internet

< p itemprop="description">In general, when parents choose baby powder, they should choose the best one according to the specific situation of the baby. In fact, if practical conditions permit, you can extend the breastfeeding period, and then gradually add complementary foods (6 months) and switch to milk (>12 months).

As far as we know, some domestically produced infant powders have reached the world's advanced level in terms of formula, equipment and technology. So parents who want to choose domestic milk powder can also choose products produced by large companies with their own pastures.

I sincerely hope that more manufacturers will not only pay attention to the qualification and safety of their products, but also control from the source to enhance the quality of milk sources. I believe that no parent is willing to go overseas to buy milk powder from the beginning. This is the helplessness brought by history. On the contrary, it is also the driving force for the advancement of domestic milk powder.

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