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Baby Milk Control: The Secret to Correct Feeding

2024-07-20 16:52evaluating People have gathered around

As a new parent, it is very important to understand your baby's milk needs and feeding methods. This article will provide detailed answers on how much milk is appropriate for a baby to eat each time and what will happen if he eats too much.

Milk volume control is the key

Babies’ milk needs vary depending on individual differences and age stages. Generally speaking, newborns need about 6-8 feedings a day, with each intake between 30-60ml. When the baby reaches 3 months old, the amount of milk can reach about 120ml each time, and the baby can be fed 5-6 times a day. As your baby grows, the time between feedings will gradually increase.

Understanding your baby’s milk needs can help ensure your baby’s healthy growth. However, if the baby drinks too much milk at one time, it may cause the following problems:

1. Overfeeding: Overfeeding may cause the baby to consume too many calories, which in turn will cause the baby to gain weight too quickly and increase the risk of obesity.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux: The baby’s digestive system is not yet mature. , Overfeeding may cause the stomach to expand, causing food to flow back into the esophagus or mouth, causing gastroesophageal reflux symptoms, such as vomiting, milk overflow, etc.

3. Colic: overfeeding of infantsIt may overburden the digestive system and cause intestinal colic, which may manifest as prolonged crying, restlessness, etc.

4. Constipation or diarrhea: Overfeeding may cause constipation or diarrhea in infants , the feces is too hard or too thin.

How to feed correctly

In order to ensure the healthy growth of babies, parents need to pay attention to the following feeding points:< /p>

1. Feeding on demand: Feed according to the baby’s needs and do not force the baby to eat too much.

2. Observe carefully: observe the baby’s hunger signals, such as crying , smacking the lips, etc., as well as signals of fullness, such as stopping sucking, spitting out the pacifier, etc.

3. Control the amount of milk: According to the age and weight of the baby, appropriate Adjust the amount of milk for each feeding to avoid overfeeding.

4. Mixed feeding: If breast milk is insufficient, formula milk can be used Mix feeding to ensure the baby gets enough nutrients.

In short, understanding the baby's milk needs and correct feeding methods are the keys to ensuring the healthy growth of the baby. As parents, we need to observe carefully and feed scientifically to lay a good foundation for the growth of our babies.

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