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Why are breastfed babies so resistant to drinking milk powder? The reasons are actually th

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Many breastfeeding mothers have such troubles. When their breast milk is insufficient or they are about to be weaned, they want their babies to drink milk powder, but who knows that babies have very good personalities and would rather croak hungry< /strong>I didn’t want to take a sip, as if I was drinking pepper water instead of milk.

The weather is starting to cool down, and Junjun’s maternity leave is coming soon. Because of the inconvenience, she is now planning to wean her baby and let her baby drink formula milk. After thousands of choices, Junjun finally chose a milk powder that he thought he was satisfied with, and officially began to reduce the frequency of breast milk to let the baby slowly adapt to formula milk. But who knew, the baby would not give any face to him, so he took a sip of formula milk. They don't want to drink, and would rather be hungry. If they are really hungry, they will cry desperately and fight to the end, but Junjun is worried to death: What should I do if my mother goes to work?

Why are breastfed babies so resistant to drinking milk powder? The reasons are actually these 5, each of which is not simple

In fact, not all breastfed babies are so resistant to drinking formula milk , but some babies are really firm in their stance. Once they taste breast milk, they will never drink other milk.

1. Get used to breast milk and reject milk powder.

When we give birth to a baby, the doctor will ask the mother and baby to have early contact, early breastfeeding, and early sucking About half an hour after the baby is born is when the baby's sucking desire is strongest. The mother will usually start breastfeeding her baby within 2 hours after the baby is born. Make breast milk the baby’s first food.

Although most mothers feel that their breasts are not swollen and they have not yet produced milk, in factthe baby through its own unique You can get some milk by sucking. Even if there is no milk, this feeling has already left traces in the baby..

What's more, it's one thing to eat or not, but it's another thing to be used to mother's breasts. Something else.

Because of this and preconceptions, the baby will be more willing to eat breast milk And resist milk powder.

Similarly, if the baby's first food is formula milk, some babies will be very resistant to breast milk.

So after we give birth to the baby in the hospital, the doctor will remind us that if we plan to breastfeed, we will not do so for the time being. When breast milk is not available or it is inconvenient to breastfeed, it is best to feed the baby with a spoon to avoid nipple confusion and the baby will no longer want to suck the nipple.

In fact, let alone breastfed babies who are unwilling to drink milk powder, some babies even resist breast milk from other mothers , refused to take a bite.

The lazy mother did not have breast milk when she gave birth to her eldest child. She also thought that she had no milk. Although the baby also ate, she always felt that the baby was eating. None of them were eaten. The mother-in-law couldn't bear that the baby was hungry, so she took the baby to feed the new mother in the next bed. Unexpectedly, the boss was so strong-willed that he didn't even drink a mouthful of other people's milk. After I brought the baby back, he preferred to suck my breast milk which seemed to be empty at all, and he looked very hungry.

2. The touch is different.

When breastfeeding, what the baby sucks is real, soft and warm.

When drinking formula milk, the baby sucks on a pacifier. Although many pacifiers are soft, they are different from the real thing, whether it istemperature or The softnesscannot be compared to the real thing.

The touch is very different.

When the baby has become accustomed to softer and more delicious "pacifiers", he is naturally unwilling to lower his requirements and prefers worse ones instead.

3. The taste is different.

Breast milk is the most suitable food for babies. All nutrients will automatically adjust with the age of the baby, and the taste is of course the baby's favorite.

< p itemprop="description" style="text-align:justify;">Although milk powder has been pursuing the road of being close to breast milk, after all, there is still a certain gap, such assweetness, taste, concentration and milk speed. It is incomparable to breast milk.

Once the baby is used to eating good food, he will no longer want to settle for other foods.

4. The baby feels uncomfortable after drinking milk powder.

< p itemprop="description" style="text-align:justify;">The baby's gastrointestinal function is imperfect. The nutrients in breast milk are easy to digest and are more conducive to the baby's gastrointestinal development strong>.

Moreover, the baby can listen to the mother's rhythm when breastfeeding.The sound of the heartbeat and the familiar smell of the mother are a very beneficial way of soothing the baby. It increases the baby's sense of security and makes the baby feel extremely comfortable.

If the baby drinks milk powder:

< strong>① The feeding posture is incorrect and there is too much air in the pacifier, which will cause bloating after the baby inhales it;

② Milk powder is not easy to digest. Some babies have poor gastrointestinal function and are prone to indigestion after drinking milk powder, causing abdominal discomfort;

③The size of the pacifier is inappropriate. Either it is too small for the baby to drink, or it is too big for the baby to swallow and the milk becomes sluggish. It has become a burden;

④The baby is allergic to milk protein and after drinking milk powder Vomiting, diarrhea, etc. may occur.

If the baby drinks milk powder, the above situations will occur. It is strange that the baby likes to drink formula milk. Although the baby Small, but I will choose the one that suits me better.

5. Meet the baby’s special period.

There is another reason why breastfed babies don’t like to drink milk powder, that is, the timing of giving milk powder to the baby is wrong. The baby's special period causes the baby to resist drinking formula milk.

If the baby is tired of milk, the milk-weary period can be simply understood as the period when the baby hates drinking milk. The baby will refuse to drink milk and refuse to suck the nipple. Moreover, the baby hates not only formula milk, but also breast milk. . If you give your baby formula milk at this time, no matter how good the milk is, it will not please the baby.

If the baby has oral diseases such as oral ulcers, this will make the baby’s mouth very uncomfortable, and even Pain will increase the baby's discomfort when breastfeeding. Sucking on a pacifier will be even more uncomfortable, and the baby will naturally refuse the bottle.

If the baby has a period of menstrual cramps, the baby will grow very fast during the period of menstruation and cause growing pains. Increased milk production, irritability and crying, etc. The baby shows very obvious disgust and is particularly irritable when feeding. In fact, the baby will have this behavior even if he is breastfeeding, but if it happens Letting the baby drink formula milk at this time can easily lead to the misunderstanding that the baby is unusually resistant to drinking milk powder.

In fact, if possible, the mother can choose to continue breastfeeding. After all, the baby is so dependent on breast milk and so resistant to milk powder. If it is caused by insufficient breast milk, you can increase milk supply through various methods. This means there is no need to consider whether the baby drinks milk powder or not.

What if the conditions do not allow breastfeeding, but the baby does not like to drink milk powder?

It is said that breastfeeding is good, and we should admit it, but sometimes we are always defeated by real life and cannot do it. When it comes to breastfeeding, you can only find a way to get your baby to accept a pacifier and formula milk.

★Put breast milk in a bottle to feed your baby.

The taste of breast milk and milk powder is indeed different. Some babies simply don’t like to drink formula milk. Mothers cansuck out the breast milk with a breast pump first, and then Put it in a bottle and give it to your baby, let the baby gradually adapt, and then slowly turn it into milk powder.

★Choose milk powder with better taste

Some babies are very picky and are very particular about the taste of milk powder. , then the mother will have to work harder and choose milk powder that tastes better and is closer to breast milk so that the baby can easily adapt.

★Choose a pacifier that feels better.

Ordinary pacifiers really don’t match R head ratio, but if you want your baby to use a bottle, you must choose a better pacifier for your baby

Try toThe material is softer and closer to the real thing, so the touch will be better. You should also choose a pacifier that is suitable for the baby's age, not too big or too small.

If the baby is really unwilling to use a pacifier but cannot breastfeed, you can only feed the baby through other methods, such as using a spoon

My friend stopped breast milk 6 months after giving birth and gave her baby formula milk. However, her baby drank milk powder with a spoon, regardless of soaking it. How many milliliters of milk powder are fed spoon by spoon until the baby learns to use a straw, which is really eye-opening.

★If the baby is hungry, let the baby drink firstFormula milk.

If the baby is hungry and needs to be fed, you can give the baby formula milk first, after all They are not selective about food when they are hungry. Some babies can lower their demands when they are hungry.

When the baby is not full or is completely unwilling to drink milk powder, let the baby drink breast milk again, and try again several times.

★Do not let your baby drink too much at once to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.

Breastfed babies generally do not overeat, and breast milk is easy to digest and is more suitable for the baby's stomach. Milk powder is more difficult to digest than breast milk, and it is easier to overeat, which can easily put a burden on the baby's gastrointestinal tract.

So when giving your baby milk powderDon’t let your baby drink too much at once. You can gradually increase it to the appropriate amount for your baby< /strong>, to avoid the baby’s gastrointestinal discomfort.

[Finally]It isnormal for breastfed babies not to like it and resist drinking formula milk In this case, if you want your baby to drink formula milk, you must use techniques to guide your baby. Don't forcefully change your baby's habits and leave a shadow on your baby.

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