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Promoting baby's brain development starts during pregnancy? 5 more things to do after

2024-07-08 21:56evaluating People have gathered around

A friend said that he often sees children of the same age as his own children who are very smart. When compared with his own children, he has the urge to beat his own children. But the child is his own, and he can't do anything, so he can only take the child to and from various early childhood education institutions.

Alas, how pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are!

It can only be said that people are becoming more and more greedy, but it is a normal phenomenon. After all, who doesn't want their children to be healthy and smart.

Now that we have talked about this, let’s talk about baby’s brain development!

As we all know, about 60-70% of a baby's IQ is inherited from his parents. If you want your children to be smarter, then smart parents can more easily gain wisdom. baby.

The remaining 30 to 40% depends on nurture. However, there are many ways to promote baby's brain development.

Promote baby's brain development, starting from pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the fetal brain development has three peak periods, which are:

8 weeks before pregnancy The brain formation period

The brain cell proliferation period around 20 weeks of pregnancy

< strong>The brain growth and active period around 30 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnant mothers can do more things to stimulate brain development during these three peak periods, such as having sex with the fetus Chat, listen to music, etc.

At the same time, eat more foods that can promote brain development, such as deep-sea fish, nuts, egg yolks and other foods rich in DHA and lecithin.

During pregnancy, the most important thing is to avoid fetal hypoxia, because hypoxia will damage the fetal brain cells, and this damage is irreversible.

The early development of the baby’s brain is also very important.Do 5 things to activate your baby’s brain vitality

During pregnancy, you must seize the three peak periods to stimulate your baby’s brain development. You cannot relax after the baby is born, especially Early development of the baby's brain.

Research shows that a baby’s brain will develop significantly before the age of 3.

The "American Academy of Pediatrics' Parenting Encyclopedia" (7th edition) writes: Infants' brain activity appears to be higher than that of adults It's simple for people, but in fact, the activity of the baby's brain is twice that of an adult's. The baby's brain has more than 700 neural connections or synapses formed every second. Neuroscientists believe that the period from birth to 3 years old is critical.

Therefore, after the baby is born, parents can also appropriately stimulate the baby's brain development.

1. Touch the baby more

After the baby is born, sudden changes in the environment will cause Let the baby lose his sense of security.

The physical contact between parents (especially mothers) and babies is very effective in helping babies increase their sense of security. Even the usual actions such as changing diapers and clothes are very effective. .

Of course, you can touch the baby more often to increase the sense of security through physical contact with the baby. In the process of touching, the baby's body and limbs will also be stimulated. Promote the development of your baby's brain.

2. Talk to the baby more

The baby already has hearing ability when he is in the mother's belly. Make a familiar sound.

After delivery, talking to the baby more can also increase the baby's sense of security, and can also stimulate the baby's listening, language, reaction and other abilities. For Plays a big role in baby's brain development.

Of course, you don’t need to be too formal when talking to your baby. You can talk to yourself, hum songs, and read picture books., you can also talk to your baby.

3. Play more with the baby

The play mentioned here is mainly with the baby Playing with some educational toys can also stimulate your baby's brain development.

When parents play with toys with their babies, they can choose appropriate toys according to the baby's age.

For example, if a baby under 3 months old has poor visual ability, you can show the baby some black and white pictures or pictures with obvious contrast.

Or play rattles, sepak takraw balls, etc. for your baby to exercise your baby's grasping ability.

Babies around 4-7 months old can play with toys that make sounds, such as bells, rattles, cloth books and the like.

If the baby is older and can crawl and walk, prepare some moving toy cars, singing machines, building blocks, etc.

In short, just play more!

4. Let the baby "sleep more"

Baby's lack of sleep will affect the health of the baby , affecting normal development.

On the contrary, adequate sleep for babies can also promote brain development, because sleep is due to the development of baby's brain cells.

So let your baby sleep enough.


① Newborns should sleep no less than 18-20 hours a day.

②Baby 2-3 months old should sleep no less than 16 hours a day.

③Babies aged 4 to 6 months should sleep no less than 15 hours a dayHours.

④Babies aged 7 to 12 months should sleep no less than 14 hours a day.

⑤ Babies aged 1 to 3 years old sleep an average of 12 to 14 hours a day.

Only if the baby sleeps well and gets enough sleep every day can the body develop normally, the brain relax, and the development of brain nerves be promoted.

5. Insist on breastfeeding

Insisting on breastfeeding can also promote the development of the baby's brain .

Because in addition to fat, protein, lactose and other nutrients, breast milk also contains DHA, taurine and other substances, which can stimulate the development of brain nerves and improve the health of your baby. intelligence.

Insisting on breastfeeding after childbirth is equivalent to continuously providing nutrients to the baby's brain to stimulate the baby's brain development.

But some mothers have insufficient breast milk after delivery or are not suitable for breastfeeding. In this case, we can let the baby drink milk powder.

It can be said that no effort was spared.

① 100 times of probiotics regulate the baby's intestinal function. The baby will digest well and absorb well, and his body will be in great shape, and his self-protection will naturally improve.

②15 active brain nutrients play a greater role in the golden period of baby's brain development and make babies smarter.

③Five cerebral phospholipids can help baby's brain development and unlock stronger brain vitality.

This is a milk powder above the new national standard, produced in North Latitude 47It is a golden milk source region. It is safe and easy to absorb. It also meets the needs of parents ~ Specialized in brain nutrition. Parents in need should hurry up and buy it.

In general , stimulating the development of your baby's brain cannot be achieved overnight, nor can it be done simply by doing something. It requires a long period of energy, and the results may not be what you want.

In addition, in order to better stimulate the development of the baby's brain, mothers should help the baby create a good environment so that the baby can have fun, eat well, and sleep well. Fragrant, the result will be more ideal.

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