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Do you need to drink milk powder for pregnant women when you are pregnant? When is the bes

2024-07-08 21:55evaluating People have gathered around

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers are more concerned about nutritional issues, because insufficient nutrition will affect the normal development of the fetus, leading to slow fetal development, underweight, etc. , so during pregnancy, we will try our best to supplement ourselves with more nutrients. Milk powder for pregnant women is a good choice. Of course, many people want to know whether they should drink milk powder for pregnant women when they are pregnant, and when is the best time to start drinking it?

Let us find out!

1. Do you need to drink maternal milk powder when you are pregnant?


Pregnant milk powder, as the name suggests, is a food suitable for pregnant women who are planning to become pregnant and during pregnancy. It is rich in folic acid, DHA, calcium, iron and other minerals and vitamins, which can supplement the nutrients needed by pregnant women and fetuses.

Although there is an extra small fetus to absorb nutrients during pregnancy, if the pregnant mother can eat normally and be nutritious If it's balanced, you can still have enough nutrition for yourself and your fetus even if you don't drink milk powder for pregnant women.

  • But some pregnant mothers have more severe morning sickness after pregnancy and last longer, leading to the inability to eat normally during the entire pregnancy. In this case, pregnant mothers can supplement some nutrients by drinking maternal milk powder.

  • There are also some pregnant mothers whose taste changes greatly after pregnancy and become particularly picky eaters. In this case, the nutrition is not balanced enough. It is easy to lead to certain nutritional deficiencies. Pregnant mothers in this category can also supplement their nutrition through maternal milk powder.

  • There are also some pregnant mothersAlthough there are no big changes in diet and appetite after pregnancy, because the fetus is against the stomach, the appetite becomes smaller and the nutritional intake is insufficient. In addition to eating some For more refined and nutritious food, you can also drink some milk powder for pregnant women to supplement nutrition.

It is not necessary to drink milk powder for pregnant women after pregnancy. If the pregnant mother has sufficient nutrition in all aspects, There is no need to go out of your way to drink it, otherwise it will easily lead to overnutrition, leading to obesity in pregnant women or overlarge fetuses, and excess of some nutrients is not good for the fetus. There is an idiom: Too much is not enough!

The lazy mother's morning sickness was particularly severe when she was pregnant with her first child, and the morning sickness lasted for a long time and did not end until just before delivery. I was suffering from morning sickness. I was also worried about fetal malnutrition, so I bought fresh milk, but I couldn’t drink it. Then I also bought milk powder for pregnant women, but I still couldn’t drink it. I really didn’t eat well during the entire pregnancy due to morning sickness. As a result, the baby weighed just over five pounds when he was born and looked tiny. At that time, I complained about why I didn’t eat more during pregnancy, even if I made a cup of milk powder every day. ah.

So lazy mothers think it is good to drink some maternal milk powder during pregnancy, especially pregnant mothers with poor appetite.

2. When is the best time to drink milk powder for pregnant women?

In fact, there is no clear regulations on when pregnant women should start drinking milk powder. It can be done in the first trimester. You can start drinking it, or you can start drinking it in the second trimester, itdepends on your needs and preferences.

If early pregnancy reactions are severe and have affected your normal diet, in order to maintain the nutrients your body needs, Pregnant mothers can start drinking maternal milk powder in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the first trimester is not affected, the pregnant mother can postpone drinking until the second trimester, because starting from the second trimester, the fetus's brain, bones, hearing, vision, etc. Rapid growth also requires more nutrients. Milk powder for pregnant women can helpsupplement part of it

As ​​for how to drink it. Yes, pregnant mothers can read the advice on the milk powder can. It is generally recommended to have one cup in the morning and one in the evening, about 200 ml each time. As I said just now, drinking too much is not a good thing.

< p itemprop="description" style="text-align: justify">If the pregnant mother does not have the habit of drinking milk in the morning and evening, then it is okay to drink milk in the middle of two meals. Drink it 1-2 hours after a meal and treat it as a snack for lunch.

If you arepregnant with high calcium content. You can drink milk powder at night, because calcium supplementation at night is more conducive to calcium absorption, but you should avoid supplementing iron at the same time, because this will affect the absorption of calcium and iron. Also, drinking a cup of hot milk at night can help pregnant mothers sleep better. Even better!

3. How to choose milk powder for pregnant women?

①Choose the one that suits you

The milk powder for pregnant women on the market is There are so many varieties that it’s really hard to start with, but pregnant mothers can first find out which milk powder is suitable for them, such as whether they want to relieve morning sickness, need calcium supplements, or are particularly interested in a certain flavor. If you know this, you can choose a milk powder for pregnant women that is more suitable for you.

②Choose a big brand.

There are also many manufacturers of milk powder, each with its own advantages. Each one is so attractive, making people want to buy each one. If you don’t know how to choose, it is recommended to choose a big brand, the quality is more guaranteed.

③Recommended by friends around me

No matter how difficult it is, you can also ask your relatives and friends, and there are many groups of pregnant mothers. Because there is no conflict of interest, it will be your own personal experience. But because everyone's needs are different, this can only be used as a reference.

④Purchased through regular channels

No matter what kind of maternal milk powder you choose, when purchasing Always don’t be greedy for cheap prices when buying from unknown small shops or individuals. You must buy from regular channels to ensure the quality of the product.

Whether you drink milk powder for pregnant women or not is up to you. Drink it as water to avoid excessive nutrition. Moreover, milk powder for pregnant women cannot supplement all the nutrients needed by pregnant women. Pregnant mothers should still pay attention to their diet and obtain corresponding nutrients.

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