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My baby is already four months old. Can I still get more milk if my milk supply is insuffi

2024-07-08 21:55evaluating People have gathered around

A netizen sent a private message to Lazy Mom, saying that she originally had plenty of milk, but after a big fight with her family two days ago, she suddenly Breastfeeding has returned. Now the baby can't eat enough every day. However, the baby is only four months old, and she doesn't want to add complementary foods to the baby so early. She asked, can I still feed the baby now?

Of course it can, why not!

Why can the lazy mother be so sure?

Because when the second baby was more than two months old, the lazy mother also had a fever for a week and stopped breastfeeding because she couldn't eat enough. The baby also had trouble sleeping and cried often. Fortunately, the milk supply was successful, and he continued to breastfeed exclusively until the baby was six months old and stopped breastfeeding when he was two years old.

In addition, some friends around me have had breast milk relapse due to other reasons, and they have successfully recovered their breast milk under the experience and guidance of lazy mothers. .

So what should be done specifically?


First of all, if you want to succeed in chasing milk, the mother must first establish a firm determination.

You must know that most of the time, chasing milk cannot be successful in one or two days, and some mothers chase milk The process will also be more difficult. If you don’t have firm determination, you may give up after chasing it. You will not be able to achieve the results you want, but it will also affect normal breastfeeding in the future.

Of course, if you think there is no problem with your baby feeding with milk powder or mixed feeding, it will be fine even if you don’t supplement milk.


The second is not to feed milk powder first, so that the baby can drink more milk , this can maximize the secretion of milk.

Breast milk secretion can be said to be the most intelligent thing, without measuring it. , no need to weigh, it will adjust the secretion volume at different stages according to the baby’s needs.

▶Let’s learn about it first. The principle of breast milk secretion:

Breast milk is produced now. When the baby is suckling, the baby sucks When the mother moves, massages the chest or hears the baby's cry, it will stimulate the secretion of prolactin and oxytocin in the mother's body.

At the same time. , prolactin will stimulate breast cells to secrete milk and store the milk in acinar cells to prepare for lactation.

As ​​the baby continues to suck, oxytocin acts like a gate. When the gate is opened, milk will "flow" through the internal pressure. into the baby's mouth to complete a breastfeeding process

When the baby stimulates the R chamber, it is actually equivalent. When it comes to placing an order for yourself, the amount of stimulation determines the order volume

In other words, the amount of milk is actually determined by the baby.

▶The factors that affect breast milk secretion are:

①The strength of the baby's sucking.

When the baby exerts more force to stimulate his own granary ~ chest, it means that the baby will need more milk. This The requirement will be sent down to the mother's pituitary gland, thereby producing milk of the same demand.

②The baby's sucking time.

The length of time the baby sucks also determines how much milk is secreted. If there is insufficient breast milk, the baby will not be full. If it gets longer, it means there is not enough milk. The mother also gets this information and will increase the amount of milk to satisfy the baby.

③The number of times the baby sucks.

As ​​mentioned above, every time the baby drinks milk, he is placing an order for himself and promoting the secretion of milk. If the baby The more you feed, the more milk you will produce.

So if you want to produce more milk, the most effective way is to let the baby eat more milk, as a baby The frequency of breastfeeding has increased and the time has become longer. Strong sucking is the most effective method to induce lactation.

The effect will be better especially at night because prolactin is secreted more vigorously at night.

When chasing milk, in order to achieve this effect, mothers can be patient and not give milk powder to their babies. If the baby is full of milk powder, he will have no interest and no need to go. Breastfeeding

And feeding on demand, that is, even if the baby is three months old. Or four months, as long as the baby wants to breastfeed, it does not matter whether the interval is 2 hours or 1 hour, or 10 minutes Let the baby eat in 20 minutes. This is what we usually call feeding


Then increase breast milk through other auxiliary methods.

There are many other auxiliary methods here, including:

▶Increase milk supply through food.

When chasing milk, the mother should try to eat well Some, maintain balanced nutrition to ensure sufficient nutrition to produce breast milk, and the quality of such milk will be higher

In addition, different foods have different effects, and some foods can lead to less milk production, Mom, please don’t eat it.

But some foods will increase milk production. Mothers can choose some foods that can increase milk secretion and increase milk production with the help of these foods. .

Such as papaya, water bamboo, loofah, bean sprouts, crucian carp, chicken, mutton and so on.

Lazy Mom thinks papaya is really good, and mutton soup is the best. Of course, this is just a personal feeling. Lazy Mom is picky about food, and many No meat is eaten, including mutton. During the breastfeeding period, I had mutton soup for dinner. Around eight or nine o'clock in the evening, just as I was about to take a shower, my milk suddenly sprayed out on the bathroom wall. This was something I had never tried before.

▶Drink more water to increase milk production.

If you want more milk, you must have less water.

More than 80% of milk is water. If there is insufficient water, the milk will naturally be insufficient. If you want to chase milk, drink water Quantityshould also be increased.

Mom can drink more water, or use milk, soy milk, juice, etc. instead, as long as it can replenish water.

▶Use hot compresses to increase milk supply.

Hot compress is also one of the ways to induce lactation. In the process of chasing milk, we can perform several times a day Use hot compress once to increase milk supply. Of course, it is best before feeding. Just be careful not to burn yourself.

▶Massage your breasts to increase milk production.

Stimulate your breasts It is not necessary for the baby to help. When the baby is not free, the mother can massage by herself. This can also stimulate milk production. Just control the intensity when massaging and don't use too much force and cause injury. Breast ducts.

These methods can increase milk supply, so use them if it is convenient. " style="text-align: center">04

Finally, a happy mood and plenty

In addition to the above methods, it is best for mothers to maintain a happy mood. , to avoid emotional instability affecting endocrine, resulting in decreased milk production

Just like the netizen in the article, it is because of loud noises. After a fight, the anger caused the milk to return.

And adequate sleep is also very important. Mom sleeps well, Good sleep quality also helps in the secretion of hormonesand stimulates the production of breast milk.

With the above practices, lazy mothers were able to achieve success. It took about a week to get the milk back, and I continued to use breast milk only until I was 6 months old before adding complementary foods.

However, If you want to get your milk back, don’t just rely on one of them, becauseBecause these are all related to each other, when all aspects are done well, the milk supply will gradually increase. It may be three to five days, or it may be seven or eight days. Just stick to it and it will be fine.

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