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Parenting Column Chapter 20: A must-read for parents and mothers! How to choose milk powde

2024-06-29 12:24evaluating People have gathered around

How to choose a more suitable for your baby? It mainly depends on the age of the baby, as well as the manufacturer, formula, smell, color, etc. of the milk powder.

1. Age: As the age of the baby changes, the demand for nutrients also changes. At each stage, milk powder with corresponding nutritional proportions can be selected, and the milk powder will be very clear. It indicates how many stages of milk powder are there, and the nutritional content of each stage suitable for children of each age. So if you don’t know, you can ask the sales staff, and he will also carefully tell you how to choose which stage of milk powder is suitable for you. baby.

2. Manufacturer: It is recommended to choose milk powder produced by regular manufacturers. The specific brand can be selected according to personal hobbies, economic conditions, etc. Today’s children are the darlings of their parents, so even if You may eat poorly or dress poorly, but you must let your children eat better and use them better. Therefore, you can choose different brands of milk powder for your children according to your own circumstances, but you must purchase them from regular channels and regular manufacturers. milk powder to help your baby grow up healthily and happily.

3. Formula: You can choose milk powder with higher whey protein content, which is easily digested and absorbed by the intestines. If your baby is lactose intolerant, you can choose deeply hydrolyzed protein milk powder, so you still have to choose milk powder according to your baby's own constitution. If you are not sure whether this milk powder is suitable for your baby, you can buy a small trial bottle first. , let the baby drink it for a while and take a look. If the baby is willing to drink it and it is suitable for the baby to drink, then you can continue to buy large cans so that there is no need to waste it.

4. Smell: It is recommended that the milk powder you choose has a frankincense aroma, which is strong and mellow. It is not recommended to choose milk powder with a very light frankincense aroma, because most babies like to drink milk with a strong frankincense aroma. milk powder, but you should choose more suitable milk powder according to your baby's taste. Only the milk powder that your baby likes to drink and the baby likes to drink is the most suitable milk powder for your baby.

In addition to the above, when choosing milk powder, you also need to taste the taste and observe the dissolution speed of the milk powder. It is recommended to choose milk powder that can be dissolved into a milky white turbid liquid after stirring, and brew it with hot water at the same time. The milk powder will float and stick to a clump. Well, milk powder dissolves easily and quickly, so you can observe the newly purchased milk powder. The dissolution speed and color of the milk powder can also tell whether the quality of the milk powder is good or not.

This Bellamy's milk powder is imported milk powder and tastes very good. My baby has been drinking this milk powder and likes it very much.Drink it, and you won’t get angry or spit up milk after drinking it. Now the baby is more than one year old and still likes the taste of milk powder, which shows that this milk powder is more suitable for babies, and this milk powder is also relatively cheap, generally Imported milk powder is much cheaper than domestic milk powder. Even if it has the same formula and the same nutritional content, imported milk powder will be much cheaper than domestic milk powder.

Babies need to drink a lot of milk powder since they are young. It is normal to consume 3 to 4 cans of milk powder a month, so it is also important to choose affordable milk powder that is suitable for your baby. For a longer-term plan, if you change milk powder frequently, it may disrupt the baby's taste and gastrointestinal function, so choose the milk powder that is suitable for your baby. As long as your baby is willing to drink it, you can continue to buy this milk powder. Many people around you are also doing this. Everyone reported that this milk powder is suitable for babies to drink and they love to drink it. As long as the baby still drinks it, they will continue to buy it. When there are events on 618, stock up more.

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